Uses of Interface
Packages that use Matrix4x3dc
Uses of Matrix4x3dc in org.joml
Classes in org.joml that implement Matrix4x3dcModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Contains the definition of an affine 4x3 matrix (4 columns, 3 rows) of doubles, and associated functions to transform it.class
A stack of manyMatrix4x3d
instances.Methods in org.joml that return Matrix4x3dcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMatrix4x3d.getToAddress
(long address) Matrix4x3dc.getToAddress
(long address) Store this matrix in column-major order at the given off-heap address.Methods in org.joml with parameters of type Matrix4x3dcModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMatrix4x3d.add
(Matrix4x3dc other) Component-wise addthis
(Matrix4x3dc other, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.add
(Matrix4x3dc other, Matrix4x3d dest) Component-wise addthis
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc m, double delta) boolean
(Matrix4x3dc m, double delta) Compare the matrix elements ofthis
matrix with the given matrix using the givendelta
and return whether all of them are equal within a maximum difference ofdelta
(Matrix4x3dc other, double otherFactor) Component-wise addthis
by first multiplying each component ofother
and adding that result tothis
(Matrix4x3dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.fma
(Matrix4x3dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4x3d dest) Component-wise addthis
by first multiplying each component ofother
, adding that tothis
and storing the final result indest
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest) Matrix4dc.invertPerspectiveView
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest) Ifthis
is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of theperspective()
methods, that is, ifthis
is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the givenview
matrix has unit scaling, then this method builds the inverse ofthis * view
and stores it into the givendest
(Matrix4x3dc other, double t) Linearly interpolatethis
using the given interpolation factort
and store the result inthis
(Matrix4x3dc other, double t, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.lerp
(Matrix4x3dc other, double t, Matrix4x3d dest) Linearly interpolatethis
using the given interpolation factort
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc right) Multiply this matrix by the suppliedright
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest) Matrix4dc.mul
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest) Multiply this matrix by the suppliedright
matrix and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc right) Multiply this matrix by the suppliedright
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.mul
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4x3d dest) Multiply this matrix by the suppliedright
matrix and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Multiply the given matrix mat with this Vector4d and store the result inthis
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector4d dest) Vector4dc.mul
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector4d dest) Multiply the given matrix mat with this Vector4d and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc other) Component-wise multiplythis
(Matrix4x3dc other, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.mulComponentWise
(Matrix4x3dc other, Matrix4x3d dest) Component-wise multiplythis
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Multiply the given 4x3 matrixmat
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector3d dest) Vector3dc.mulDirection
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector3d dest) Multiply the given 4x3 matrixmat
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc view) Multiplythis
orthographic projection matrix by the suppliedview
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.mulOrtho
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4x3d dest) Multiplythis
orthographic projection matrix by the suppliedview
matrix and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest) Matrix4dc.mulPerspectiveAffine
(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest) Multiplythis
symmetric perspective projection matrix by the suppliedview
matrix and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Multiply the given 4x3 matrixmat
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector3d dest) Vector3dc.mulPosition
(Matrix4x3dc mat, Vector3d dest) Multiply the given 4x3 matrixmat
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.mulTranslation
(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4x3d dest) Multiply this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by the suppliedright
matrix and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc m) Set the elements of this matrix to the left 3x3 submatrix ofm
(Matrix4x3dc m) Store the values of the given matrixm
matrix and set the other matrix elements to identity.Matrix4x3d.set
(Matrix4x3dc m) Store the values of the given matrixm
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set the left 3x3 submatrix of thisMatrix4x3d
to that of the givenMatrix4x3dc
and don't change the other elements.Matrix4d.set4x3
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of thisMatrix4d
to the givenMatrix4x3dc
and don't change the other elements.Quaterniond.setFromNormalized
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set this quaternion to be a representation of the rotational component of the given matrix.Quaternionf.setFromNormalized
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set this quaternion to be a representation of the rotational component of the given matrix.Quaterniond.setFromUnnormalized
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set this quaternion to be a representation of the rotational component of the given matrix.Quaternionf.setFromUnnormalized
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Set this quaternion to be a representation of the rotational component of the given matrix.Matrix4x3d.shadow
(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform) Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equationy = 0
as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction(lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW)
(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3d.shadow
(Vector4dc light, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform) Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equationy = 0
as if casting a shadow from a given light position/directionlight
(Vector4dc light, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.shadow
(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform, Matrix4x3d dest) Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equationy = 0
as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction(lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW)
and store the result indest
(Vector4dc light, Matrix4x3dc planeTransform, Matrix4x3d dest) Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equationy = 0
as if casting a shadow from a given light position/directionlight
and store the result indest
(Matrix4x3dc subtrahend) Component-wise subtractsubtrahend
(Matrix4x3dc subtrahend, Matrix4x3d dest) Matrix4x3dc.sub
(Matrix4x3dc subtrahend, Matrix4x3d dest) Component-wise subtractsubtrahend
and store the result indest
(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, Matrix4x3dc mat) Setthis
matrix toT * R * M
, whereT
is a translation by the given(tx, ty, tz)
is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw)
is the given matrixmat
(double tx, double ty, double tz, Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4x3dc mat) Setthis
matrix toT * R * M
, whereT
is a translation by the given(tx, ty, tz)
is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion andM
is the given matrixmat
(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz, Matrix4x3dc m) Setthis
matrix toT * R * S * M
, whereT
is a translation by the given(tx, ty, tz)
is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion(qx, qy, qz, qw)
is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by(sx, sy, sz)
(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat, Vector3dc scale, Matrix4x3dc m) Setthis
matrix toT * R * S * M
, whereT
is the giventranslation
is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion,S
is a scaling transformation which scales the axes byscale
.Constructors in org.joml with parameters of type Matrix4x3dcModifierConstructorDescriptionMatrix4d
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Create a newMatrix4d
and set its upper 4x3 submatrix to the given matrixmat
and all other elements to identity.Matrix4x3d
(Matrix4x3dc mat) Create a newMatrix4x3d
and make it a copy of the given matrix.