Uses of Class

Packages that use Matrix4d
Contains all classes of JOML.
  • Uses of Matrix4d in org.joml

    Subclasses of Matrix4d in org.joml
    Modifier and Type
    A stack of many Matrix4d instances.
    Methods in org.joml that return Matrix4d
    Modifier and Type
    Matrix4d.add(Matrix4dc other)
    Component-wise add this and other.
    Matrix4d.add(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.add(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4dc other)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other.
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4fc other)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other.
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.add4x3(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.affineSpan(Vector3d corner, Vector3d xDir, Vector3d yDir, Vector3d zDir)
    Compute the extents of the coordinate system before this affine transformation was applied and store the resulting corner coordinates in corner and the span vectors in xDir, yDir and zDir.
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double angleX, double angleY)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, Vector3dc center, double angleX, double angleY)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, Vector3dc center, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.arcball(double radius, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.arcball(double radius, Vector3dc center, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.assume(int properties)
    Assume the given properties about this matrix.
    Matrix4d.billboardCylindrical(Vector3dc objPos, Vector3dc targetPos, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to a cylindrical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos while constraining a cylindrical rotation around the given up vector.
    Matrix4d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos, Vector3dc targetPos)
    Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos using a shortest arc rotation by not preserving any up vector of the object.
    Matrix4d.billboardSpherical(Vector3dc objPos, Vector3dc targetPos, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos.
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this.
    Matrix4d.cofactor3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Matrix4dc.cofactor3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Compute and set the matrix properties returned by properties() based on the current matrix element values.
    Matrix4d.fma4x3(Matrix4dc other, double otherFactor)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor and adding that result to this.
    Matrix4d.fma4x3(Matrix4dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.fma4x3(Matrix4dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor, adding that to this and storing the final result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustumAabb(Vector3d min, Vector3d max)
    Compute the axis-aligned bounding box of the frustum described by this matrix and store the minimum corner coordinates in the given min and the maximum corner coordinates in the given max vector.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    AxisAngle4d.get(Matrix4d m)
    Set the given Matrix4d to a rotation transformation equivalent to this AxisAngle4d.
    AxisAngle4f.get(Matrix4d m)
    Set the given Matrix4d to a rotation transformation equivalent to this AxisAngle4f.
    Matrix4d.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4f.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4fc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4x3d.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4x3dc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into the upper 4x3 submatrix of dest.
    Matrix4x3f.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4x3fc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into the upper 4x3 submatrix of dest.
    Quaterniond.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Quaterniondc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Set the given destination matrix to the rotation represented by this.
    Quaternionf.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Quaternionfc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Set the given destination matrix to the rotation represented by this.
    Reset this matrix to the identity.
    Invert this matrix.
    Matrix4d.invert(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invert(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e.
    Matrix4d.invertAffine(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertAffine(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e.
    If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods or via setFrustum(), then this method builds the inverse of this.
    Matrix4d.invertFrustum(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertFrustum(Matrix4d dest)
    If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    Invert this orthographic projection matrix.
    Matrix4d.invertOrtho(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertOrtho(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this orthographic projection matrix and store the result into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this.
    Matrix4d.invertPerspective(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertPerspective(Matrix4d dest)
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    Matrix4dc.invertPerspectiveView(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix is affine and has unit scaling (for example by being obtained via lookAt()), then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix has unit scaling, then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    Matrix4d.lerp(Matrix4dc other, double t)
    Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.lerp(Matrix4dc other, double t, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.lerp(Matrix4dc other, double t, Matrix4d dest)
    Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtPerspective(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtPerspective(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtPerspectiveLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtPerspectiveLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.m00(double m00)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 0.
    Matrix4d.m01(double m01)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 1.
    Matrix4d.m02(double m02)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 2.
    Matrix4d.m03(double m03)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 3.
    Matrix4d.m10(double m10)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 0.
    Matrix4d.m11(double m11)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 1.
    Matrix4d.m12(double m12)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 2.
    Matrix4d.m13(double m13)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 3.
    Matrix4d.m20(double m20)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 0.
    Matrix4d.m21(double m21)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 1.
    Matrix4d.m22(double m22)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 2.
    Matrix4d.m23(double m23)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 3.
    Matrix4d.m30(double m30)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 0.
    Matrix4d.m31(double m31)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 1.
    Matrix4d.m32(double m32)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 2.
    Matrix4d.m33(double m33)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 3.
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnYZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnYZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mul(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r03, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r13, double r20, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r30, double r31, double r32, double r33)
    Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements.
    Matrix4d.mul(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r03, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r13, double r20, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r30, double r31, double r32, double r33, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2fc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix.
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4f right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied parameter matrix.
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4x3dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix.
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r03, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r13, double r20, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r30, double r31, double r32, double r33, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix3x2dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied parameter matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mul0(Matrix4dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix.
    Matrix4d.mul0(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul0(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mul3x3(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r20, double r21, double r22)
    Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity.
    Matrix4d.mul3x3(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r20, double r21, double r22, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul3x3(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r20, double r21, double r22, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity, and store the result in dest.
    Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other.
    Matrix4d.mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulAffine(Matrix4dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mulAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulAffineR(Matrix4dc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mulAffineR(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulAffineR(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulComponentWise(Matrix4dc other)
    Component-wise multiply this by other.
    Matrix4d.mulComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise multiply this by other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulLocal(Matrix4dc left)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mulLocal(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulLocal(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulLocalAffine(Matrix4dc left)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Matrix4d.mulLocalAffine(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulLocalAffine(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4dc view)
    Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.
    Matrix4d.mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.
    Matrix4d.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulTranslationAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulTranslationAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.negateX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.negateY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.negateZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this.
    Matrix4d.normal(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest.
    Matrix4dc.normal(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest.
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
    Matrix4d.normalize3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.normalize3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.obliqueZ(double a, double b)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b.
    Matrix4d.obliqueZ(double a, double b, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.obliqueZ(double a, double b, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.ortho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoCrop(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.orthoCrop(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Build an ortographic projection transformation that fits the view-projection transformation represented by this into the given affine view transformation.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveFrustumSlice(double near, double far, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveFrustumSlice(double near, double far, Matrix4d dest)
    Change the near and far clip plane distances of this perspective frustum transformation matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.pick(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport)
    Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates.
    Matrix4d.pick(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.pick(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.projectedGridRange(Matrix4dc projector, double sLower, double sUpper, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.projectedGridRange(Matrix4dc projector, double sLower, double sUpper, Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the range matrix for the Projected Grid transformation as described in chapter "2.4.2 Creating the range conversion matrix" of the paper Real-time water rendering - Introducing the projected grid concept based on the inverse of the view-projection matrix which is assumed to be this, and store that range matrix into dest.
    Matrix4d.reflect(double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.
    Matrix4d.reflect(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.reflect(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.reflect(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.reflect(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.reflection(double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.
    Matrix4d.reflection(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.reflection(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.reflection(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double ang, double x, double y, double z)
    Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the given axis specified as x, y and z components.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3dc axis)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3dc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3fc axis)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4d axisAngle)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4d, to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4d axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4d and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f, to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaterniondc quat)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaternionfc quat)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the given axis specified as x, y and z components and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double angle, Vector3dc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(AxisAngle4d axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4d and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(double ang, double x, double y, double z)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaterniondc quat)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    Matrix4d.rotateAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAroundAffine(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAroundAffine(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAroundLocal(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    Matrix4d.rotateAroundLocal(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAroundLocal(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(double ang, double x, double y, double z)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaterniondc quat)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalX(double ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalY(double ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalZ(double ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction, Vector3dc up)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with direction.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with direction and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with direction and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).
    Matrix4d.rotateTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateX(double ang)
    Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    Matrix4d.rotateX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.rotateXYZ(Vector3d angles)
    Apply rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4dc.rotateXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateY(double ang)
    Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    Matrix4d.rotateY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.rotateYXZ(Vector3d angles)
    Apply rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4dc.rotateYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateZ(double ang)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    Matrix4d.rotateZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.rotateZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.rotateZYX(Vector3d angles)
    Apply rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4dc.rotateZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotation(double angle, double x, double y, double z)
    Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
    Matrix4d.rotation(double angle, Vector3dc axis)
    Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
    Matrix4d.rotation(double angle, Vector3fc axis)
    Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
    Matrix4d.rotation(AxisAngle4d angleAxis)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation using the given AxisAngle4d.
    Matrix4d.rotation(AxisAngle4f angleAxis)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation using the given AxisAngle4f.
    Matrix4d.rotation(Quaterniondc quat)
    Set this matrix to the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc.
    Matrix4d.rotation(Quaternionfc quat)
    Set this matrix to the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc.
    Matrix4d.rotationAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Set this matrix to a transformation composed of a rotation of the specified Quaterniondc while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    Matrix4d.rotationTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with dir.
    Matrix4d.rotationTowards(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with dir.
    Matrix4d.rotationTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).
    Matrix4d.rotationX(double ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.rotationXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotationY(double ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Y axis.
    Matrix4d.rotationYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotationZ(double ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.rotationZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.scale(double xyz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor.
    Matrix4d.scale(double x, double y, double z)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors.
    Matrix4d.scale(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scale(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scale(Vector3dc xyz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.
    Matrix4d.scale(Vector3dc xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scale(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scale(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scale(Vector3dc xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleAround(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleAround(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleAroundLocal(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using the given (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleAroundLocal(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double xyz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz factor.
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double x, double y, double z)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors.
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleLocal(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleXY(double x, double y)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y.
    Matrix4d.scaleXY(double x, double y, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleXY(double x, double y, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaling(double factor)
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix, which scales all axes uniformly by the given factor.
    Matrix4d.scaling(double x, double y, double z)
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix.
    Matrix4d.scaling(Vector3dc xyz)
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z, respectively.
    Matrix4d.set(double[] m)
    Set the values in the matrix using a double array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    Matrix4d.set(double[] m, int off)
    Set the values in the matrix using a double array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    Matrix4d.set(double m00, double m01, double m02, double m03, double m10, double m11, double m12, double m13, double m20, double m21, double m22, double m23, double m30, double m31, double m32, double m33)
    Set the values within this matrix to the supplied double values.
    Matrix4d.set(float[] m)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    Matrix4d.set(float[] m, int off)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    Matrix4d.set(int column, int row, double value)
    Set the matrix element at the given column and row to the specified value.
    Matrix4d.set(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 double values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Matrix4d.set(int index, DoubleBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 double values from the given DoubleBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Matrix4d.set(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Matrix4d.set(ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 double values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    Matrix4d.set(DoubleBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 double values from the given DoubleBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    Matrix4d.set(FloatBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    Matrix4d.set(AxisAngle4d axisAngle)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4d.
    Matrix4d.set(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4f.
    Matrix4d.set(Matrix3dc mat)
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to the given Matrix3dc and the rest to identity.
    Matrix4d.set(Matrix4dc m)
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Matrix4d.set(Matrix4fc m)
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Matrix4d.set(Matrix4x3dc m)
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix and set the other matrix elements to identity.
    Matrix4d.set(Matrix4x3fc m)
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix and set the other matrix elements to identity.
    Matrix4d.set(Quaterniondc q)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation - and possibly scaling - specified by the given Quaterniondc.
    Matrix4d.set(Quaternionfc q)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation - and possibly scaling - specified by the given Quaternionfc.
    Matrix4d.set(Vector4d col0, Vector4d col1, Vector4d col2, Vector4d col3)
    Set the four columns of this matrix to the supplied vectors, respectively.
    Matrix4d.set3x3(Matrix3dc mat)
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to the given Matrix3dc and don't change the other elements.
    Matrix4d.set3x3(Matrix4dc mat)
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to that of the given Matrix4dc and don't change the other elements.
    Matrix4d.set4x3(Matrix4dc mat)
    Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to the upper 4x3 submatrix of the given Matrix4dc and don't change the other elements.
    Matrix4d.set4x3(Matrix4x3dc mat)
    Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to the given Matrix4x3dc and don't change the other elements.
    Matrix4d.set4x3(Matrix4x3fc mat)
    Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4d to the given Matrix4x3fc and don't change the other elements.
    Matrix4d.setColumn(int column, Vector4dc src)
    Set the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
    Matrix4d.setFloats(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Matrix4d.setFloats(ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    Matrix4d.setFromAddress(long address)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 double values from off-heap memory in column-major order, starting at the given address.
    Matrix4d.setFromIntrinsic(double alphaX, double alphaY, double gamma, double u0, double v0, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, double near, double far)
    Set this matrix to represent a perspective projection equivalent to the given intrinsic camera calibration parameters.
    Matrix4d.setFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setFrustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setFrustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setLookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.
    Matrix4d.setLookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.
    Matrix4d.setLookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.setLookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.setLookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.setLookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    Matrix4d.setOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system.
    Matrix4d.setOrtho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system.
    Matrix4d.setOrthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setOrthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setOrthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setOrthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setOrthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setOrthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    Matrix4d.setPerspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    Matrix4d.setRotationXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.setRotationYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    Matrix4d.setRotationZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    Matrix4d.setRow(int row, Vector4dc src)
    Set the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
    Matrix4d.setRowColumn(int row, int column, double value)
    Set the matrix element at the given row and column to the specified value.
    Matrix4d.setTranslation(double x, double y, double z)
    Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (x, y, z).
    Matrix4d.setTranslation(Vector3dc xyz)
    Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z).
    Store the values of the transpose of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4dc planeTransform)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4dc light, double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4dc light, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4dc light, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4d light, Matrix4d planeTransform)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(Vector4dc light, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(Vector4dc light, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.sub(Matrix4dc subtrahend)
    Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this.
    Matrix4d.sub(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.sub(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.sub4x3(Matrix4dc subtrahend)
    Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this.
    Matrix4d.sub4x3(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.sub4x3(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.swap(Matrix4d other)
    Exchange the values of this matrix with the given other matrix.
    Matrix4d.tile(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0).scale(w, h, 1)
    Matrix4d.tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4d dest)
    This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0, dest).scale(w, h, 1)
    Matrix4d.transformAab(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ, Vector3d outMin, Vector3d outMax)
    Matrix4d.transformAab(Vector3dc min, Vector3dc max, Vector3d outMin, Vector3d outMax)
    Matrix4dc.transformAab(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ, Vector3d outMin, Vector3d outMax)
    Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner (minX, minY, minZ) and maximum corner (maxX, maxY, maxZ) by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.
    Matrix4dc.transformAab(Vector3dc min, Vector3dc max, Vector3d outMin, Vector3d outMax)
    Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner min and maximum corner max by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.
    Matrix4d.translate(double x, double y, double z)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translate(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3dc offset)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3fc offset)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(double x, double y, double z)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3fc offset)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translation(double x, double y, double z)
    Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
    Matrix4d.translation(Vector3dc offset)
    Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
    Matrix4d.translation(Vector3fc offset)
    Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
    Matrix4d.translationRotate(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw)
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).
    Matrix4d.translationRotate(double tx, double ty, double tz, Quaterniondc quat)
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    Matrix4d.translationRotate(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat)
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateInvert(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw)
    Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).
    Matrix4d.translationRotateInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat)
    Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat, double scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat, Vector3dc scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, double scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScale(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, Vector3fc scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat, double scale)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3dc translation, Quaterniondc quat, Vector3dc scale)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, double scale)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, Vector3fc scale)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleMulAffine(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz, Matrix4d m)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz) and M is an affine matrix.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleMulAffine(Vector3fc translation, Quaterniondc quat, Vector3fc scale, Matrix4d m)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion, S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale and M is an affine matrix.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateTowards(double posX, double posY, double posZ, double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given (posX, posY, posZ) and aligns the local -z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given pos and aligns the local -z axis with dir.
    Transpose this matrix.
    Matrix4d.transpose(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.transpose(Matrix4d dest)
    Transpose this matrix and store the result into dest.
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
    Matrix4d.transpose3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.transpose3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.trapezoidCrop(double p0x, double p0y, double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y, double p3x, double p3y)
    Set this matrix to a perspective transformation that maps the trapezoid spanned by the four corner coordinates (p0x, p0y), (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y) and (p3x, p3y) to the unit square [(-1, -1)..(+1, +1)].
    Matrix4d.unprojectInvRay(double winX, double winY, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Matrix4d.unprojectInvRay(Vector2dc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Matrix4dc.unprojectInvRay(double winX, double winY, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    Matrix4dc.unprojectInvRay(Vector2dc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    Matrix4d.unprojectRay(double winX, double winY, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Matrix4d.unprojectRay(Vector2dc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Matrix4dc.unprojectRay(double winX, double winY, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    Matrix4dc.unprojectRay(Vector2dc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3d originDest, Vector3d dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ).
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector up.
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ), and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector up, and store the result in dest.
    Set all the values within this matrix to 0.
    Methods in org.joml with parameters of type Matrix4d
    Modifier and Type
    Matrix4d.add(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.add(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.add4x3(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.arcball(double radius, Vector3dc center, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.arcball(double radius, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.arcball(double radius, Vector3dc center, double angleX, double angleY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.cofactor3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Matrix4dc.cofactor3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Matrix4d.fma4x3(Matrix4dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.fma4x3(Matrix4dc other, double otherFactor, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor, adding that to this and storing the final result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.frustumLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    AxisAngle4d.get(Matrix4d m)
    Set the given Matrix4d to a rotation transformation equivalent to this AxisAngle4d.
    AxisAngle4f.get(Matrix4d m)
    Set the given Matrix4d to a rotation transformation equivalent to this AxisAngle4f.
    Matrix4d.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4f.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4fc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Matrix4x3d.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4x3dc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into the upper 4x3 submatrix of dest.
    Matrix4x3f.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4x3fc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into the upper 4x3 submatrix of dest.
    Quaterniond.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Quaterniondc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Set the given destination matrix to the rotation represented by this.
    Quaternionf.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Quaternionfc.get(Matrix4d dest)
    Set the given destination matrix to the rotation represented by this.
    Matrix4d.invert(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invert(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.invertAffine(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertAffine(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e.
    Matrix4d.invertFrustum(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertFrustum(Matrix4d dest)
    If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    Matrix4d.invertOrtho(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertOrtho(Matrix4d dest)
    Invert this orthographic projection matrix and store the result into the given dest.
    Matrix4d.invertPerspective(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.invertPerspective(Matrix4d dest)
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    Matrix4dc.invertPerspectiveView(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix is affine and has unit scaling (for example by being obtained via lookAt()), then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods, that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix has unit scaling, then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    Matrix4d.lerp(Matrix4dc other, double t, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.lerp(Matrix4dc other, double t, Matrix4d dest)
    Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAlong(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAlong(Vector3dc dir, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAt(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAt(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtLH(Vector3dc eye, Vector3dc center, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtPerspective(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtPerspective(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.lookAtPerspectiveLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.lookAtPerspectiveLH(double eyeX, double eyeY, double eyeZ, double centerX, double centerY, double centerZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mapnXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnYZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnYZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapnZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapnZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnYnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXnZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXZnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapXZY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYnZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYXnZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYXZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYZnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapYZX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZnYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZXnY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZXY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZYnX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mapZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mapZYX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.mul(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r03, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r13, double r20, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r30, double r31, double r32, double r33, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r03, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r13, double r20, double r21, double r22, double r23, double r30, double r31, double r32, double r33, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix3x2dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied parameter matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4x3dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mul0(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul0(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mul3x3(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r20, double r21, double r22, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul3x3(double r00, double r01, double r02, double r10, double r11, double r12, double r20, double r21, double r22, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulAffineR(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulAffineR(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulComponentWise(Matrix4dc other, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise multiply this by other and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulLocal(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulLocal(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulLocalAffine(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulLocalAffine(Matrix4dc left, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4x3dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.mulTranslationAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.mulTranslationAffine(Matrix4dc right, Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.negateX(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateX(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.negateY(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateY(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.negateZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.negateZ(Matrix4d dest)
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Matrix4d.normal(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest.
    Matrix4dc.normal(Matrix4d dest)
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest.
    Matrix4d.normalize3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.normalize3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.obliqueZ(double a, double b, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.obliqueZ(double a, double b, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.ortho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.ortho2DLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoCrop(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.orthoCrop(Matrix4dc view, Matrix4d dest)
    Build an ortographic projection transformation that fits the view-projection transformation represented by this into the given affine view transformation.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoLH(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetric(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.orthoSymmetricLH(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveFrustumSlice(double near, double far, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveFrustumSlice(double near, double far, Matrix4d dest)
    Change the near and far clip plane distances of this perspective frustum transformation matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveLH(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenter(double fovy, double offAngleX, double offAngleY, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFov(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(double angleLeft, double angleRight, double angleDown, double angleUp, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    static void
    Matrix4d.perspectiveOffCenterViewFromRectangle(Vector3d eye, Vector3d p, Vector3d x, Vector3d y, double nearFarDist, boolean zeroToOne, Matrix4d projDest, Matrix4d viewDest)
    Create a view and off-center perspective projection matrix from a given eye position, a given bottom left corner position p of the near plane rectangle and the extents of the near plane rectangle along its local x and y axes, and store the resulting matrices in projDest and viewDest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.perspectiveRect(double width, double height, double zNear, double zFar, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.pick(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.pick(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.projectedGridRange(Matrix4dc projector, double sLower, double sUpper, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.projectedGridRange(Matrix4dc projector, double sLower, double sUpper, Matrix4d dest)
    Compute the range matrix for the Projected Grid transformation as described in chapter "2.4.2 Creating the range conversion matrix" of the paper Real-time water rendering - Introducing the projected grid concept based on the inverse of the view-projection matrix which is assumed to be this, and store that range matrix into dest.
    Matrix4d.reflect(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.reflect(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.reflect(double nx, double ny, double nz, double px, double py, double pz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(Quaterniondc orientation, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.reflect(Vector3dc normal, Vector3dc point, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3dc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(double angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4d axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4d and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotate(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the given axis specified as x, y and z components and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double angle, Vector3dc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(double angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(AxisAngle4d axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4d and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotate(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAffineZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAffineZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAround(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAroundAffine(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAroundAffine(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this affine matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateAroundLocal(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateAroundLocal(Quaterniondc quat, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateLocalZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateLocalZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with direction and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowards(double dirX, double dirY, double dirZ, double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowards(Vector3dc direction, Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with direction and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateTowardsXY(double dirX, double dirY, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateTranslation(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(double ang, double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(Quaterniondc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaterniondc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.rotateTranslation(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateX(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateXYZ(double angleX, double angleY, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateY(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateYXZ(double angleY, double angleX, double angleZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateZ(double ang, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.rotateZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.rotateZYX(double angleZ, double angleY, double angleX, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scale(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scale(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scale(Vector3dc xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scale(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scale(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scale(Vector3dc xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleAround(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleAround(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleAround(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleAroundLocal(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleAroundLocal(double sx, double sy, double sz, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using the given (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleAroundLocal(double factor, double ox, double oy, double oz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.scaleLocal(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.scaleLocal(double xyz, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor, and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.scaleXY(double x, double y, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.scaleXY(double x, double y, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4dc light, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4dc light, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.shadow(Vector4d light, Matrix4d planeTransform)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(double lightX, double lightY, double lightZ, double lightW, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(Vector4dc light, double a, double b, double c, double d, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.shadow(Vector4dc light, Matrix4dc planeTransform, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.sub(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.sub(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.sub4x3(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.sub4x3(Matrix4dc subtrahend, Matrix4d dest)
    Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.swap(Matrix4d other)
    Exchange the values of this matrix with the given other matrix.
    Matrix4d.tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4d dest)
    This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0, dest).scale(w, h, 1)
    Matrix4d.translate(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translateLocal(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(double x, double y, double z, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(Vector3dc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.translateLocal(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4d dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleMulAffine(double tx, double ty, double tz, double qx, double qy, double qz, double qw, double sx, double sy, double sz, Matrix4d m)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz) and M is an affine matrix.
    Matrix4d.translationRotateScaleMulAffine(Vector3fc translation, Quaterniondc quat, Vector3fc scale, Matrix4d m)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion, S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale and M is an affine matrix.
    Matrix4d.transpose(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.transpose(Matrix4d dest)
    Transpose this matrix and store the result into dest.
    Matrix4d.transpose3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.transpose3x3(Matrix4d dest)
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4d.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Matrix4dc.withLookAtUp(double upX, double upY, double upZ, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ), and store the result in dest.
    Matrix4dc.withLookAtUp(Vector3dc up, Matrix4d dest)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveY(Vector3d)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4dc.positiveZ(Vector3d)) and the given vector up, and store the result in dest.