Package org.joml

Class Matrix4f

All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable, Matrix4fc
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Matrix4f extends Object implements Externalizable, Cloneable, Matrix4fc
Contains the definition of a 4x4 matrix of floats, and associated functions to transform it. The matrix is column-major to match OpenGL's interpretation, and it looks like this:

m00 m10 m20 m30
m01 m11 m21 m31
m02 m12 m22 m32
m03 m13 m23 m33

Richard Greenlees, Kai Burjack
See Also:
  • Field Summary

  • Constructor Summary

    Create a new Matrix4f and set it to identity.
    Matrix4f(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
    Create a new 4x4 matrix using the supplied float values.
    Create a new Matrix4f by reading its 16 float components from the given FloatBuffer at the buffer's current position.
    Create a new Matrix4f by setting its uppper left 3x3 submatrix to the values of the given Matrix3fc and the rest to identity.
    Create a new Matrix4f and make it a copy of the given matrix.
    Create a new Matrix4f and make it a copy of the given matrix.
    Create a new Matrix4f and set its upper 4x3 submatrix to the given matrix mat and all other elements to identity.
    Matrix4f(Vector4fc col0, Vector4fc col1, Vector4fc col2, Vector4fc col3)
    Create a new Matrix4f and initialize its four columns using the supplied vectors.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(Matrix4fc other)
    Component-wise add this and other.
    add(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
    Component-wise add this and other and store the result in dest.
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other.
    add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.
    affineSpan(Vector3f corner, Vector3f xDir, Vector3f yDir, Vector3f zDir)
    Compute the extents of the coordinate system before this affine transformation was applied and store the resulting corner coordinates in corner and the span vectors in xDir, yDir and zDir.
    arcball(float radius, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float angleX, float angleY)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
    arcball(float radius, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float angleX, float angleY, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    arcball(float radius, Vector3fc center, float angleX, float angleY)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.
    arcball(float radius, Vector3fc center, float angleX, float angleY, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.
    assume(int properties)
    Assume the given properties about this matrix.
    Set this matrix to a cylindrical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos while constraining a cylindrical rotation around the given up vector.
    Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos using a shortest arc rotation by not preserving any up vector of the object.
    Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos.
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this.
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Return the determinant of this matrix.
    Return the determinant of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
    Return the determinant of this matrix by assuming that it represents an affine transformation and thus its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1).
    Compute and set the matrix properties returned by properties() based on the current matrix element values.
    equals(Matrix4fc m, float delta)
    Compare the matrix elements of this matrix with the given matrix using the given delta and return whether all of them are equal within a maximum difference of delta.
    fma4x3(Matrix4fc other, float otherFactor)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor and adding that result to this.
    fma4x3(Matrix4fc other, float otherFactor, Matrix4f dest)
    Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor, adding that to this and storing the final result in dest.
    frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Compute the axis-aligned bounding box of the frustum described by this matrix and store the minimum corner coordinates in the given min and the maximum corner coordinates in the given max vector.
    frustumCorner(int corner, Vector3f point)
    Compute the corner coordinates of the frustum defined by this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given point.
    frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    frustumPlane(int plane, Vector4f dest)
    Calculate a frustum plane of this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given planeEquation.
    frustumRayDir(float x, float y, Vector3f dir)
    Obtain the direction of a ray starting at the center of the coordinate system and going through the near frustum plane.
    get(float[] arr)
    Store this matrix into the supplied float array in column-major order.
    get(float[] arr, int offset)
    Store this matrix into the supplied float array in column-major order at the given offset.
    get(int column, int row)
    Get the matrix element value at the given column and row.
    get(int index, buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied Float32Array at the given index.
    get(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    get(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    get( buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied Float32Array.
    get(ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
    get(FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.
    get(Matrix4d dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    get(Matrix4f dest)
    Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Get the current values of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
    Get the current values of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
    get3x4(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    get3x4(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.
    get4x3(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    get4x3(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Get the current values of the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
    get4x3Transposed(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    get4x3Transposed(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.
    getColumn(int column, Vector3f dest)
    Get the first three components of the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
    getColumn(int column, Vector4f dest)
    Get the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
    Extract the Euler angles from the rotation represented by the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store the extracted Euler angles in dest.
    Extract the Euler angles from the rotation represented by the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store the extracted Euler angles in dest.
    Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaterniond.
    Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaternionf.
    Get the rotational component of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given AxisAngle4d.
    Get the rotational component of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given AxisAngle4f.
    getRow(int row, Vector3f dest)
    Get the first three components of the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
    getRow(int row, Vector4f dest)
    Get the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
    getRowColumn(int row, int column)
    Get the matrix element value at the given row and column.
    Get the scaling factors of this matrix for the three base axes.
    getToAddress(long address)
    Store this matrix in column-major order at the given off-heap address.
    Get only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix and store them in the given vector xyz.
    getTransposed(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    getTransposed(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.
    Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaterniond.
    Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaternionf.
    Reset this matrix to the identity.
    Invert this matrix.
    Invert this matrix and write the result into dest.
    Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e.
    Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e.
    If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods or via setFrustum(), then this method builds the inverse of this.
    If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods or via setFrustum(), then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    Invert this orthographic projection matrix.
    Invert this orthographic projection matrix and store the result into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix is affine and has unit scaling (for example by being obtained via lookAt()), then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix has unit scaling, then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.
    Determine whether this matrix describes an affine transformation.
    Determine whether all matrix elements are finite floating-point values, that is, they are not NaN and not infinity.
    lerp(Matrix4fc other, float t)
    Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in this.
    lerp(Matrix4fc other, float t, Matrix4f dest)
    Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in dest.
    lookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.
    lookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.
    Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.
    lookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    lookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    lookAt(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    lookAt(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    lookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    lookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    lookAtLH(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    lookAtPerspective(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    lookAtPerspectiveLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 0.
    m00(float m00)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 0.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 1.
    m01(float m01)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 1.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 2.
    m02(float m02)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 2.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 3.
    m03(float m03)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 3.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 0.
    m10(float m10)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 0.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 1.
    m11(float m11)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 1.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 2.
    m12(float m12)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 2.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 3.
    m13(float m13)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 3.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 0.
    m20(float m20)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 0.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 1.
    m21(float m21)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 1.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 2.
    m22(float m22)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 2.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 3.
    m23(float m23)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 3.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 0.
    m30(float m30)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 0.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 1.
    m31(float m31)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 1.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 2.
    m32(float m32)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 2.
    Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 3.
    m33(float m33)
    Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 3.
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
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    Multiply this by the matrix
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    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    mul(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r03, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r13, float r20, float r21, float r22, float r23, float r30, float r31, float r32, float r33)
    Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements.
    mul(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r03, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r13, float r20, float r21, float r22, float r23, float r30, float r31, float r32, float r33, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.
    mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    mul(Matrix4fc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.
    mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.
    mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    mul0(Matrix4fc right)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix.
    mul0(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.
    mul3x3(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r20, float r21, float r22)
    Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity.
    mul3x3(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r20, float r21, float r22, Matrix4f dest)
    Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity, and store the result in dest.
    Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other.
    Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Component-wise multiply this by other.
    Component-wise multiply this by other and store the result in dest.
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in this.
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in dest.
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.
    Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.
    Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix.
    Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Multiply this by the matrix
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this.
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.
    Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest.
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Obtain the direction of +X before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied.
    Obtain the direction of +Y before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied.
    Obtain the direction of +Z before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied.
    obliqueZ(float a, float b)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b.
    obliqueZ(float a, float b, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.
    Obtain the position that gets transformed to the origin by this matrix.
    Obtain the position that gets transformed to the origin by this affine matrix.
    ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    ortho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix.
    ortho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    ortho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix.
    ortho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Build an ortographic projection transformation that fits the view-projection transformation represented by this into the given affine view transformation.
    orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Extract the far clip plane distance from this perspective projection matrix.
    Return the vertical field-of-view angle in radians of this perspective transformation matrix.
    perspectiveFrustumSlice(float near, float far, Matrix4f dest)
    Change the near and far clip plane distances of this perspective frustum transformation matrix and store the result in dest.
    Compute the eye/origin of the inverse of the perspective frustum transformation defined by this matrix, which can be the inverse of a projection matrix or the inverse of a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given dest.
    perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Extract the near clip plane distance from this perspective projection matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    static void
    perspectiveOffCenterViewFromRectangle(Vector3f eye, Vector3f p, Vector3f x, Vector3f y, float nearFarDist, boolean zeroToOne, Matrix4f projDest, Matrix4f viewDest)
    Create a view and off-center perspective projection matrix from a given eye position, a given bottom left corner position p of the near plane rectangle and the extents of the near plane rectangle along its local x and y axes, and store the resulting matrices in projDest and viewDest.
    Compute the eye/origin of the perspective frustum transformation defined by this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given origin.
    perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.
    perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.
    perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    pick(float x, float y, float width, float height, int[] viewport)
    Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates.
    pick(float x, float y, float width, float height, int[] viewport, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates, and store the result in dest.
    Obtain the direction of +X before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.
    Obtain the direction of +Y before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.
    Obtain the direction of +Z before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.
    project(float x, float y, float z, int[] viewport, Vector3f winCoordsDest)
    Project the given (x, y, z) position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.
    project(float x, float y, float z, int[] viewport, Vector4f winCoordsDest)
    Project the given (x, y, z) position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.
    project(Vector3fc position, int[] viewport, Vector3f winCoordsDest)
    Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.
    project(Vector3fc position, int[] viewport, Vector4f winCoordsDest)
    Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.
    projectedGridRange(Matrix4fc projector, float sLower, float sUpper, Matrix4f dest)
    Compute the range matrix for the Projected Grid transformation as described in chapter "2.4.2 Creating the range conversion matrix" of the paper Real-time water rendering - Introducing the projected grid concept based on the inverse of the view-projection matrix which is assumed to be this, and store that range matrix into dest.
    Return the assumed properties of this matrix.
    reflect(float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.
    reflect(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    reflect(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    reflect(float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 and store the result in dest.
    reflect(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
    reflect(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    reflect(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    reflect(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.
    reflection(float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.
    reflection(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    reflection(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.
    reflection(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point)
    Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
    rotate(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
    Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.
    rotate(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    rotate(float angle, Vector3fc axis)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.
    rotate(float angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.
    rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f, to this matrix.
    rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    rotateAffine(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.
    rotateAffine(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.
    rotateAffineXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotateAffineXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateAffineYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotateAffineYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateAffineZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    rotateAffineZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    rotateAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    rotateAroundAffine(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    rotateAroundLocal(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    rotateAroundLocal(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.
    rotateLocal(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.
    rotateLocal(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.
    Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.
    rotateLocalX(float ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis.
    rotateLocalX(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateLocalY(float ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis.
    rotateLocalY(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateLocalZ(float ang)
    Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis.
    rotateLocalZ(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    rotateTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).
    rotateTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ) and store the result in dest.
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir.
    Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.
    rotateTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).
    rotateTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY) and store the result in dest.
    rotateTranslation(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.
    Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.
    rotateX(float ang)
    Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    rotateX(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    rotateXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotateXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Apply rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.
    rotateY(float ang)
    Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    rotateY(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    rotateYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotateYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.
    Apply rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.
    rotateZ(float ang)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.
    rotateZ(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.
    rotateZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    rotateZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.
    Apply rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis.
    rotation(float angle, float x, float y, float z)
    Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
    rotation(float angle, Vector3fc axis)
    Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.
    rotation(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation using the given AxisAngle4f.
    Set this matrix to the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc.
    rotationAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Set this matrix to a transformation composed of a rotation of the specified Quaternionfc while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.
    rotationTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with dir.
    rotationTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).
    rotationX(float ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the X axis.
    rotationXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotationY(float ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Y axis.
    rotationYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    rotationZ(float ang)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis.
    rotationZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
    Set this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    scale(float xyz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor.
    scale(float x, float y, float z)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors.
    scale(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    scale(float xyz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor and store the result in dest.
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.
    scale(Vector3fc xyz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest.
    scaleAround(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    scaleAround(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    scaleAround(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    scaleAround(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    scaleAroundLocal(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    scaleAroundLocal(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.
    scaleAroundLocal(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using the given (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    scaleAroundLocal(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.
    scaleLocal(float xyz)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz factor.
    scaleLocal(float x, float y, float z)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors.
    scaleLocal(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.
    scaleLocal(float xyz, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor, and store the result in dest.
    scaleXY(float x, float y)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y.
    scaleXY(float x, float y, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply scaling to this matrix by by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y and store the result in dest.
    scaling(float factor)
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix, which scales all axes uniformly by the given factor.
    scaling(float x, float y, float z)
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix.
    Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z respectively.
    set(float[] m)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    set(float[] m, int off)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.
    set(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
    Set the values within this matrix to the supplied float values.
    set(int column, int row, float value)
    Set the matrix element at the given column and row to the specified value.
    set(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    set(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.
    set(ByteBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    set(FloatBuffer buffer)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.
    set(AxisAngle4d axisAngle)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4d.
    set(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4f.
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix3fc and the rest to identity.
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix and set the other matrix elements to identity.
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given Quaterniondc.
    Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given Quaternionfc.
    set(Vector4fc col0, Vector4fc col1, Vector4fc col2, Vector4fc col3)
    Set the four columns of this matrix to the supplied vectors, respectively.
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix3fc and don't change the other elements.
    Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to that of the given Matrix4f and don't change the other elements.
    Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the upper 4x3 submatrix of the given Matrix4f and don't change the other elements.
    Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix4x3fc and don't change the other elements.
    setColumn(int column, Vector4fc src)
    Set the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
    setFromAddress(long address)
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from off-heap memory in column-major order, starting at the given address.
    setFromIntrinsic(float alphaX, float alphaY, float gamma, float u0, float v0, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, float near, float far)
    Set this matrix to represent a perspective projection equivalent to the given intrinsic camera calibration parameters.
    setFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setFrustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setFrustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setLookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.
    Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.
    setLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.
    setLookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.
    setOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setOrtho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system.
    setOrtho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system.
    setOrthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setOrthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setOrthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setOrthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setOrthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setOrthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setPerspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setPerspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].
    setPerspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
    Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.
    setRotationXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    setRotationYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.
    setRotationZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
    Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.
    setRow(int row, Vector4fc src)
    Set the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
    setRowColumn(int row, int column, float value)
    Set the matrix element at the given row and column to the specified value.
    setTranslation(float x, float y, float z)
    Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (x, y, z).
    Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the values (xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z).
    setTransposed(float[] m)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in row-major order.
    setTransposed(float[] m, int off)
    Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in row-major order.
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in row-major order, starting at its current position.
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in row-major order, starting at its current position.
    Store the values of the transpose of the given matrix m into this matrix.
    Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from off-heap memory in row-major order, starting at the given address.
    shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).
    shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, Matrix4f planeTransform)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).
    shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, Matrix4fc planeTransform, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.
    shadow(Vector4f light, float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.
    shadow(Vector4f light, float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    shadow(Vector4f light, Matrix4f planeTransform)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.
    shadow(Vector4f light, Matrix4fc planeTransform, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.
    sub(Matrix4fc subtrahend)
    Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this.
    sub(Matrix4fc subtrahend, Matrix4f dest)
    Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    sub4x3(Matrix4f subtrahend)
    Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this.
    sub4x3(Matrix4fc subtrahend, Matrix4f dest)
    Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
    swap(Matrix4f other)
    Exchange the values of this matrix with the given other matrix.
    testAab(float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ)
    Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by this matrix.
    testPoint(float x, float y, float z)
    Test whether the given point (x, y, z) is within the frustum defined by this matrix.
    testSphere(float x, float y, float z, float r)
    Test whether the given sphere is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by this matrix.
    tile(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0).scale(w, h, 1)
    tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4f dest)
    This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0, dest).scale(w, h, 1)
    Return a string representation of this matrix.
    Return a string representation of this matrix by formatting the matrix elements with the given NumberFormat.
    transform(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
    Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    transformAab(float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ, Vector3f outMin, Vector3f outMax)
    Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner (minX, minY, minZ) and maximum corner (maxX, maxY, maxZ) by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.
    transformAab(Vector3fc min, Vector3fc max, Vector3f outMin, Vector3f outMax)
    Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner min and maximum corner max by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.
    transformAffine(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
    Transform/multiply the 4D-vector (x, y, z, w) by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e.
    Transform/multiply the given 4D-vector by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e.
    Transform/multiply the given 4D-vector by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e.
    transformDirection(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
    Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector (x, y, z), as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    transformPosition(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
    Transform/multiply the 3D-vector (x, y, z), as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in dest.
    transformProject(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector3f dest)
    Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store (x, y, z) of the result in dest.
    transformProject(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
    Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
    transformProject(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
    Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
    transformTranspose(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
    Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in that vector.
    Transform/multiply the given vector by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    translate(float x, float y, float z)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    translate(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    translateLocal(float x, float y, float z)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    translateLocal(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.
    Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.
    translation(float x, float y, float z)
    Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
    Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.
    translationRotate(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).
    translationRotate(float tx, float ty, float tz, Quaternionfc quat)
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    Set this matrix to T * R, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    translationRotateInvert(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
    Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).
    Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.
    translationRotateScale(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    translationRotateScale(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).
    translationRotateScale(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, float scale)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    translationRotateScaleInvert(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).
    translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, float scale)
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.
    Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.
    translationRotateScaleMulAffine(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz, Matrix4f m)
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz) and M is an affine matrix.
    Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion, S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale and M is an affine matrix.
    translationRotateTowards(float posX, float posY, float posZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given (posX, posY, posZ) and aligns the local -z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).
    Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given pos and aligns the local -z axis with dir.
    Transpose this matrix.
    Transpose this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
    trapezoidCrop(float p0x, float p0y, float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float p3x, float p3y)
    Set this matrix to a perspective transformation that maps the trapezoid spanned by the four corner coordinates (p0x, p0y), (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y) and (p3x, p3y) to the unit square [(-1, -1)..(+1, +1)].
    unproject(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unproject(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unproject(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unproject(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unprojectInv(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unprojectInv(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unprojectInv(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unprojectInv(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.
    unprojectInvRay(float winX, float winY, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    unprojectInvRay(Vector2fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
    Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    unprojectRay(float winX, float winY, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    unprojectRay(Vector2fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
    Unproject the given 2D window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.
    withLookAtUp(float upX, float upY, float upZ)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ).
    withLookAtUp(float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ), and store the result in dest.
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector up.
    Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector up, and store the result in dest.
    Set all the values within this matrix to 0.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f()
      Create a new Matrix4f and set it to identity.
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(Matrix3fc mat)
      Create a new Matrix4f by setting its uppper left 3x3 submatrix to the values of the given Matrix3fc and the rest to identity.
      mat - the Matrix3fc
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(Matrix4fc mat)
      Create a new Matrix4f and make it a copy of the given matrix.
      mat - the Matrix4fc to copy the values from
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(Matrix4x3fc mat)
      Create a new Matrix4f and set its upper 4x3 submatrix to the given matrix mat and all other elements to identity.
      mat - the Matrix4x3fc to copy the values from
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(Matrix4dc mat)
      Create a new Matrix4f and make it a copy of the given matrix.

      Note that due to the given Matrix4dc storing values in double-precision and the constructed Matrix4f storing them in single-precision, there is the possibility of losing precision.

      mat - the Matrix4dc to copy the values from
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
      Create a new 4x4 matrix using the supplied float values.

      The matrix layout will be:

      m00, m10, m20, m30
      m01, m11, m21, m31
      m02, m12, m22, m32
      m03, m13, m23, m33

      m00 - the value of m00
      m01 - the value of m01
      m02 - the value of m02
      m03 - the value of m03
      m10 - the value of m10
      m11 - the value of m11
      m12 - the value of m12
      m13 - the value of m13
      m20 - the value of m20
      m21 - the value of m21
      m22 - the value of m22
      m23 - the value of m23
      m30 - the value of m30
      m31 - the value of m31
      m32 - the value of m32
      m33 - the value of m33
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Create a new Matrix4f by reading its 16 float components from the given FloatBuffer at the buffer's current position.

      That FloatBuffer is expected to hold the values in column-major order.

      The buffer's position will not be changed by this method.

      buffer - the FloatBuffer to read the matrix values from
    • Matrix4f

      public Matrix4f(Vector4fc col0, Vector4fc col1, Vector4fc col2, Vector4fc col3)
      Create a new Matrix4f and initialize its four columns using the supplied vectors.
      col0 - the first column
      col1 - the second column
      col2 - the third column
      col3 - the fourth column
  • Method Details

    • assume

      public Matrix4f assume(int properties)
      properties - bitset of the properties to assume about this matrix
    • determineProperties

      public Matrix4f determineProperties()
      Compute and set the matrix properties returned by properties() based on the current matrix element values.
    • properties

      public int properties()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the assumed properties of this matrix. This is a bit-combination of Matrix4fc.PROPERTY_IDENTITY, Matrix4fc.PROPERTY_AFFINE, Matrix4fc.PROPERTY_TRANSLATION and Matrix4fc.PROPERTY_PERSPECTIVE.
      Specified by:
      properties in interface Matrix4fc
      the properties of the matrix
    • m00

      public float m00()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 0.
      Specified by:
      m00 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m01

      public float m01()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 1.
      Specified by:
      m01 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m02

      public float m02()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 2.
      Specified by:
      m02 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m03

      public float m03()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 3.
      Specified by:
      m03 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m10

      public float m10()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 0.
      Specified by:
      m10 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m11

      public float m11()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 1.
      Specified by:
      m11 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m12

      public float m12()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 2.
      Specified by:
      m12 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m13

      public float m13()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 3.
      Specified by:
      m13 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m20

      public float m20()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 0.
      Specified by:
      m20 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m21

      public float m21()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 1.
      Specified by:
      m21 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m22

      public float m22()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 2.
      Specified by:
      m22 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m23

      public float m23()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 3.
      Specified by:
      m23 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m30

      public float m30()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 0.
      Specified by:
      m30 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m31

      public float m31()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 1.
      Specified by:
      m31 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m32

      public float m32()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 2.
      Specified by:
      m32 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m33

      public float m33()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 3.
      Specified by:
      m33 in interface Matrix4fc
      the value of the matrix element
    • m00

      public Matrix4f m00(float m00)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 0.
      m00 - the new value
    • m01

      public Matrix4f m01(float m01)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 1.
      m01 - the new value
    • m02

      public Matrix4f m02(float m02)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 2.
      m02 - the new value
    • m03

      public Matrix4f m03(float m03)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 0 and row 3.
      m03 - the new value
    • m10

      public Matrix4f m10(float m10)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 0.
      m10 - the new value
    • m11

      public Matrix4f m11(float m11)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 1.
      m11 - the new value
    • m12

      public Matrix4f m12(float m12)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 2.
      m12 - the new value
    • m13

      public Matrix4f m13(float m13)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 1 and row 3.
      m13 - the new value
    • m20

      public Matrix4f m20(float m20)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 0.
      m20 - the new value
    • m21

      public Matrix4f m21(float m21)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 1.
      m21 - the new value
    • m22

      public Matrix4f m22(float m22)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 2.
      m22 - the new value
    • m23

      public Matrix4f m23(float m23)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 2 and row 3.
      m23 - the new value
    • m30

      public Matrix4f m30(float m30)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 0.
      m30 - the new value
    • m31

      public Matrix4f m31(float m31)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 1.
      m31 - the new value
    • m32

      public Matrix4f m32(float m32)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 2.
      m32 - the new value
    • m33

      public Matrix4f m33(float m33)
      Set the value of the matrix element at column 3 and row 3.
      m33 - the new value
    • identity

      public Matrix4f identity()
      Reset this matrix to the identity.

      Please note that if a call to identity() is immediately followed by a call to: translate, rotate, scale, perspective, frustum, ortho, ortho2D, lookAt, lookAlong, or any of their overloads, then the call to identity() can be omitted and the subsequent call replaced with: translation, rotation, scaling, setPerspective, setFrustum, setOrtho, setOrtho2D, setLookAt, setLookAlong, or any of their overloads.

    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Matrix4fc m)
      Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.
      m - the matrix to copy the values from
      See Also:
    • setTransposed

      public Matrix4f setTransposed(Matrix4fc m)
      Store the values of the transpose of the given matrix m into this matrix.
      m - the matrix to copy the transposed values from
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Matrix4x3fc m)
      Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix and set the other matrix elements to identity.
      m - the matrix to copy the values from
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Matrix4dc m)
      Store the values of the given matrix m into this matrix.

      Note that due to the given matrix m storing values in double-precision and this matrix storing them in single-precision, there is the possibility to lose precision.

      m - the matrix to copy the values from
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Matrix3fc mat)
      Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix3fc and the rest to identity.
      mat - the Matrix3fc
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
      Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4f.
      axisAngle - the AxisAngle4f
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(AxisAngle4d axisAngle)
      Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given AxisAngle4d.
      axisAngle - the AxisAngle4d
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Quaternionfc q)
      Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given Quaternionfc.

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotation(q)


      q - the Quaternionfc
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Quaterniondc q)
      Set this matrix to be equivalent to the rotation specified by the given Quaterniondc.


      q - the Quaterniondc
    • set3x3

      public Matrix4f set3x3(Matrix4f mat)
      Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to that of the given Matrix4f and don't change the other elements.
      mat - the Matrix4f
    • set4x3

      public Matrix4f set4x3(Matrix4x3fc mat)
      Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix4x3fc and don't change the other elements.
      mat - the Matrix4x3fc
      See Also:
    • set4x3

      public Matrix4f set4x3(Matrix4f mat)
      Set the upper 4x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the upper 4x3 submatrix of the given Matrix4f and don't change the other elements.
      mat - the Matrix4f
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix4fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mul in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mul0

      public Matrix4f mul0(Matrix4fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      This method neither assumes nor checks for any matrix properties of this or right and will always perform a complete 4x4 matrix multiplication. This method should only be used whenever the multiplied matrices do not have any properties for which there are optimized multiplication methods available.

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
    • mul0

      public Matrix4f mul0(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      This method neither assumes nor checks for any matrix properties of this or right and will always perform a complete 4x4 matrix multiplication. This method should only be used whenever the multiplied matrices do not have any properties for which there are optimized multiplication methods available.

      Specified by:
      mul0 in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r03, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r13, float r20, float r21, float r22, float r23, float r30, float r31, float r32, float r33)
      Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix whose elements are supplied via the parameters, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      r00 - the m00 element of the right matrix
      r01 - the m01 element of the right matrix
      r02 - the m02 element of the right matrix
      r03 - the m03 element of the right matrix
      r10 - the m10 element of the right matrix
      r11 - the m11 element of the right matrix
      r12 - the m12 element of the right matrix
      r13 - the m13 element of the right matrix
      r20 - the m20 element of the right matrix
      r21 - the m21 element of the right matrix
      r22 - the m22 element of the right matrix
      r23 - the m23 element of the right matrix
      r30 - the m30 element of the right matrix
      r31 - the m31 element of the right matrix
      r32 - the m32 element of the right matrix
      r33 - the m33 element of the right matrix
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r03, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r13, float r20, float r21, float r22, float r23, float r30, float r31, float r32, float r33, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the matrix with the supplied elements and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix whose elements are supplied via the parameters, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mul in interface Matrix4fc
      r00 - the m00 element of the right matrix
      r01 - the m01 element of the right matrix
      r02 - the m02 element of the right matrix
      r03 - the m03 element of the right matrix
      r10 - the m10 element of the right matrix
      r11 - the m11 element of the right matrix
      r12 - the m12 element of the right matrix
      r13 - the m13 element of the right matrix
      r20 - the m20 element of the right matrix
      r21 - the m21 element of the right matrix
      r22 - the m22 element of the right matrix
      r23 - the m23 element of the right matrix
      r30 - the m30 element of the right matrix
      r31 - the m31 element of the right matrix
      r32 - the m32 element of the right matrix
      r33 - the m33 element of the right matrix
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mul3x3

      public Matrix4f mul3x3(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r20, float r21, float r22)
      Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix whose elements are supplied via the parameters, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      r00 - the m00 element of the right matrix
      r01 - the m01 element of the right matrix
      r02 - the m02 element of the right matrix
      r10 - the m10 element of the right matrix
      r11 - the m11 element of the right matrix
      r12 - the m12 element of the right matrix
      r20 - the m20 element of the right matrix
      r21 - the m21 element of the right matrix
      r22 - the m22 element of the right matrix
    • mul3x3

      public Matrix4f mul3x3(float r00, float r01, float r02, float r10, float r11, float r12, float r20, float r21, float r22, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the 3x3 matrix with the supplied elements expanded to a 4x4 matrix with all other matrix elements set to identity, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix whose elements are supplied via the parameters, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mul3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      r00 - the m00 element of the right matrix
      r01 - the m01 element of the right matrix
      r02 - the m02 element of the right matrix
      r10 - the m10 element of the right matrix
      r11 - the m11 element of the right matrix
      r12 - the m12 element of the right matrix
      r20 - the m20 element of the right matrix
      r21 - the m21 element of the right matrix
      r22 - the m22 element of the right matrix
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulLocal

      public Matrix4f mulLocal(Matrix4fc left)
      Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in this.

      If M is this matrix and L the left matrix, then the new matrix will be L * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using L * M * v, the transformation of this matrix will be applied first!

      left - the left operand of the matrix multiplication
    • mulLocal

      public Matrix4f mulLocal(Matrix4fc left, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the left matrix, then the new matrix will be L * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using L * M * v, the transformation of this matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the left operand of the matrix multiplication
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulLocalAffine

      public Matrix4f mulLocalAffine(Matrix4fc left)
      Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.

      This method assumes that this matrix and the given left matrix both represent an affine transformation (i.e. their last rows are equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrices only represent affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      This method will not modify either the last row of this or the last row of left.

      If M is this matrix and L the left matrix, then the new matrix will be L * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using L * M * v, the transformation of this matrix will be applied first!

      left - the left operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
    • mulLocalAffine

      public Matrix4f mulLocalAffine(Matrix4fc left, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply this matrix by the supplied left matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes that this matrix and the given left matrix both represent an affine transformation (i.e. their last rows are equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrices only represent affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      This method will not modify either the last row of this or the last row of left.

      If M is this matrix and L the left matrix, then the new matrix will be L * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using L * M * v, the transformation of this matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulLocalAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the left operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix4x3fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix4x3fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.

      The last row of the right matrix is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1).

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mul in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix3x2fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in this.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
    • mul

      public Matrix4f mul(Matrix3x2fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mul in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulPerspectiveAffine

      public Matrix4f mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4fc view)
      Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.

      If P is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be P * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using P * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      view - the affine matrix to multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by
    • mulPerspectiveAffine

      public Matrix4f mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.

      If P is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be P * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using P * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulPerspectiveAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the affine matrix to multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulPerspectiveAffine

      public Matrix4f mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4x3fc view)
      Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix.

      If P is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be P * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using P * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      view - the matrix to multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by
    • mulPerspectiveAffine

      public Matrix4f mulPerspectiveAffine(Matrix4x3fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by the supplied view matrix and store the result in dest.

      If P is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be P * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using P * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulPerspectiveAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the matrix to multiply this symmetric perspective projection matrix by
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulAffineR

      public Matrix4f mulAffineR(Matrix4fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.

      This method assumes that the given right matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
    • mulAffineR

      public Matrix4f mulAffineR(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes that the given right matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulAffineR in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulAffine

      public Matrix4f mulAffine(Matrix4fc right)
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in this.

      This method assumes that this matrix and the given right matrix both represent an affine transformation (i.e. their last rows are equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrices only represent affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      This method will not modify either the last row of this or the last row of right.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
    • mulAffine

      public Matrix4f mulAffine(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix by the supplied right matrix, both of which are assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes that this matrix and the given right matrix both represent an affine transformation (i.e. their last rows are equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrices only represent affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      This method will not modify either the last row of this or the last row of right.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulTranslationAffine

      public Matrix4f mulTranslationAffine(Matrix4fc right, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by the supplied right matrix, which is assumed to be affine, and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes that this matrix only contains a translation, and that the given right matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)).

      This method will not modify either the last row of this or the last row of right.

      If M is this matrix and R the right matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the transformation of the right matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulTranslationAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      right - the right operand of the matrix multiplication (the last row is assumed to be (0, 0, 0, 1))
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • mulOrthoAffine

      public Matrix4f mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4fc view)
      Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix.

      If M is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be M * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      view - the affine matrix which to multiply this with
    • mulOrthoAffine

      public Matrix4f mulOrthoAffine(Matrix4fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this orthographic projection matrix by the supplied affine view matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and V the view matrix, then the new matrix will be M * V. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * V * v, the transformation of the view matrix will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      mulOrthoAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the affine matrix which to multiply this with
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • fma4x3

      public Matrix4f fma4x3(Matrix4fc other, float otherFactor)
      Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor and adding that result to this.

      The matrix other will not be changed.

      other - the other matrix
      otherFactor - the factor to multiply each of the other matrix's 4x3 components
    • fma4x3

      public Matrix4f fma4x3(Matrix4fc other, float otherFactor, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other by first multiplying each component of other's 4x3 submatrix by otherFactor, adding that to this and storing the final result in dest.

      The other components of dest will be set to the ones of this.

      The matrices this and other will not be changed.

      Specified by:
      fma4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other matrix
      otherFactor - the factor to multiply each of the other matrix's 4x3 components
      dest - will hold the result
    • add

      public Matrix4f add(Matrix4fc other)
      Component-wise add this and other.
      other - the other addend
    • add

      public Matrix4f add(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise add this and other and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      add in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other addend
      dest - will hold the result
    • sub

      public Matrix4f sub(Matrix4fc subtrahend)
      Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this.
      subtrahend - the subtrahend
    • sub

      public Matrix4f sub(Matrix4fc subtrahend, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise subtract subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      sub in interface Matrix4fc
      subtrahend - the subtrahend
      dest - will hold the result
    • mulComponentWise

      public Matrix4f mulComponentWise(Matrix4fc other)
      Component-wise multiply this by other.
      other - the other matrix
    • mulComponentWise

      public Matrix4f mulComponentWise(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise multiply this by other and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mulComponentWise in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other matrix
      dest - will hold the result
    • add4x3

      public Matrix4f add4x3(Matrix4fc other)
      Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other.
      other - the other addend
    • add4x3

      public Matrix4f add4x3(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise add the upper 4x3 submatrices of this and other and store the result in dest.

      The other components of dest will be set to the ones of this.

      Specified by:
      add4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other addend
      dest - will hold the result
    • sub4x3

      public Matrix4f sub4x3(Matrix4f subtrahend)
      Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this.
      subtrahend - the subtrahend
    • sub4x3

      public Matrix4f sub4x3(Matrix4fc subtrahend, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise subtract the upper 4x3 submatrices of subtrahend from this and store the result in dest.

      The other components of dest will be set to the ones of this.

      Specified by:
      sub4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      subtrahend - the subtrahend
      dest - will hold the result
    • mul4x3ComponentWise

      public Matrix4f mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4fc other)
      Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other.
      other - the other matrix
    • mul4x3ComponentWise

      public Matrix4f mul4x3ComponentWise(Matrix4fc other, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Component-wise multiply the upper 4x3 submatrices of this by other and store the result in dest.

      The other components of dest will be set to the ones of this.

      Specified by:
      mul4x3ComponentWise in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other matrix
      dest - will hold the result
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13, float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)
      Set the values within this matrix to the supplied float values. The matrix will look like this:

      m00, m10, m20, m30
      m01, m11, m21, m31
      m02, m12, m22, m32
      m03, m13, m23, m33
      m00 - the new value of m00
      m01 - the new value of m01
      m02 - the new value of m02
      m03 - the new value of m03
      m10 - the new value of m10
      m11 - the new value of m11
      m12 - the new value of m12
      m13 - the new value of m13
      m20 - the new value of m20
      m21 - the new value of m21
      m22 - the new value of m22
      m23 - the new value of m23
      m30 - the new value of m30
      m31 - the new value of m31
      m32 - the new value of m32
      m33 - the new value of m33
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(float[] m, int off)
      Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.

      The results will look like this:

      0, 4, 8, 12
      1, 5, 9, 13
      2, 6, 10, 14
      3, 7, 11, 15

      m - the array to read the matrix values from
      off - the offset into the array
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(float[] m)
      Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in column-major order.

      The results will look like this:

      0, 4, 8, 12
      1, 5, 9, 13
      2, 6, 10, 14
      3, 7, 11, 15

      m - the array to read the matrix values from
      See Also:
    • setTransposed

      public Matrix4f setTransposed(float[] m, int off)
      Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in row-major order.

      The results will look like this:

      0, 1, 2, 3
      4, 5, 6, 7
      8, 9, 10, 11
      12, 13, 14, 15

      m - the array to read the matrix values from
      off - the offset into the array
      See Also:
    • setTransposed

      public Matrix4f setTransposed(float[] m)
      Set the values in the matrix using a float array that contains the matrix elements in row-major order.

      The results will look like this:

      0, 1, 2, 3
      4, 5, 6, 7
      8, 9, 10, 11
      12, 13, 14, 15

      m - the array to read the matrix values from
      See Also:
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.

      The FloatBuffer is expected to contain the values in column-major order.

      The position of the FloatBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      buffer - the FloatBuffer to read the matrix values from in column-major order
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at its current position.

      The ByteBuffer is expected to contain the values in column-major order.

      The position of the ByteBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      buffer - the ByteBuffer to read the matrix values from in column-major order
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      The FloatBuffer is expected to contain the values in column-major order.

      The position of the FloatBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - the FloatBuffer to read the matrix values from in column-major order
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in column-major order, starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      The ByteBuffer is expected to contain the values in column-major order.

      The position of the ByteBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - the ByteBuffer to read the matrix values from in column-major order
    • setTransposed

      public Matrix4f setTransposed(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given FloatBuffer in row-major order, starting at its current position.

      The FloatBuffer is expected to contain the values in row-major order.

      The position of the FloatBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      buffer - the FloatBuffer to read the matrix values from in row-major order
    • setTransposed

      public Matrix4f setTransposed(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from the given ByteBuffer in row-major order, starting at its current position.

      The ByteBuffer is expected to contain the values in row-major order.

      The position of the ByteBuffer will not be changed by this method.

      buffer - the ByteBuffer to read the matrix values from in row-major order
    • setFromAddress

      public Matrix4f setFromAddress(long address)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from off-heap memory in column-major order, starting at the given address.

      This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when JOML is used with `-Djoml.nounsafe`.

      This method is unsafe as it can result in a crash of the JVM process when the specified address range does not belong to this process.

      address - the off-heap memory address to read the matrix values from in column-major order
    • setTransposedFromAddress

      public Matrix4f setTransposedFromAddress(long address)
      Set the values of this matrix by reading 16 float values from off-heap memory in row-major order, starting at the given address.

      This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when JOML is used with `-Djoml.nounsafe`.

      This method is unsafe as it can result in a crash of the JVM process when the specified address range does not belong to this process.

      address - the off-heap memory address to read the matrix values from in row-major order
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(Vector4fc col0, Vector4fc col1, Vector4fc col2, Vector4fc col3)
      Set the four columns of this matrix to the supplied vectors, respectively.
      col0 - the first column
      col1 - the second column
      col2 - the third column
      col3 - the fourth column
    • determinant

      public float determinant()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the determinant of this matrix.

      If this matrix represents an affine transformation, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing, and thus its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1), then Matrix4fc.determinantAffine() can be used instead of this method.

      Specified by:
      determinant in interface Matrix4fc
      the determinant
      See Also:
    • determinant3x3

      public float determinant3x3()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the determinant of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.
      Specified by:
      determinant3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      the determinant
    • determinantAffine

      public float determinantAffine()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Return the determinant of this matrix by assuming that it represents an affine transformation and thus its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1).
      Specified by:
      determinantAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      the determinant
    • invert

      public Matrix4f invert(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Invert this matrix and write the result into dest.

      If this matrix represents an affine transformation, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing, and thus its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1), then Matrix4fc.invertAffine(Matrix4f) can be used instead of this method.

      Specified by:
      invert in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • invert

      public Matrix4f invert()
      Invert this matrix.

      If this matrix represents an affine transformation, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing, and thus its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1), then invertAffine() can be used instead of this method.

      See Also:
    • invertPerspective

      public Matrix4f invertPerspective(Matrix4f dest)
      If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of a perspective projection matrix when being obtained via perspective().

      Specified by:
      invertPerspective in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the inverse of this
      See Also:
    • invertPerspective

      public Matrix4f invertPerspective()
      If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation, then this method builds the inverse of this.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of a perspective projection matrix when being obtained via perspective().

      See Also:
    • invertFrustum

      public Matrix4f invertFrustum(Matrix4f dest)
      If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods or via setFrustum(), then this method builds the inverse of this and stores it into the given dest.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of a perspective projection matrix.

      If this matrix represents a symmetric perspective frustum transformation, as obtained via perspective(), then invertPerspective(Matrix4f) should be used instead.

      Specified by:
      invertFrustum in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the inverse of this
      See Also:
    • invertFrustum

      public Matrix4f invertFrustum()
      If this is an arbitrary perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the frustum() methods or via setFrustum(), then this method builds the inverse of this.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of a perspective projection matrix.

      If this matrix represents a symmetric perspective frustum transformation, as obtained via perspective(), then invertPerspective() should be used instead.

      See Also:
    • invertOrtho

      public Matrix4f invertOrtho(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Invert this orthographic projection matrix and store the result into the given dest.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of an orthographic projection matrix.

      Specified by:
      invertOrtho in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the inverse of this
    • invertOrtho

      public Matrix4f invertOrtho()
      Invert this orthographic projection matrix.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of an orthographic projection matrix.

    • invertPerspectiveView

      public Matrix4f invertPerspectiveView(Matrix4fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix is affine and has unit scaling (for example by being obtained via lookAt()), then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of the combination of the view and projection matrices, when both were obtained via the common methods perspective() and lookAt() or other methods, that build affine matrices, such as translate and rotate(float, float, float, float), except for scale().

      For the special cases of the matrices this and view mentioned above, this method is equivalent to the following code:

      Specified by:
      invertPerspectiveView in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the view transformation (must be affine and have unit scaling)
      dest - will hold the inverse of this * view
    • invertPerspectiveView

      public Matrix4f invertPerspectiveView(Matrix4x3fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      If this is a perspective projection matrix obtained via one of the perspective() methods or via setPerspective(), that is, if this is a symmetrical perspective frustum transformation and the given view matrix has unit scaling, then this method builds the inverse of this * view and stores it into the given dest.

      This method can be used to quickly obtain the inverse of the combination of the view and projection matrices, when both were obtained via the common methods perspective() and lookAt() or other methods, that build affine matrices, such as translate and rotate(float, float, float, float), except for scale().

      For the special cases of the matrices this and view mentioned above, this method is equivalent to the following code:

      Specified by:
      invertPerspectiveView in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the view transformation (must have unit scaling)
      dest - will hold the inverse of this * view
    • invertAffine

      public Matrix4f invertAffine(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and write the result into dest.
      Specified by:
      invertAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • invertAffine

      public Matrix4f invertAffine()
      Invert this matrix by assuming that it is an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)).
    • transpose

      public Matrix4f transpose(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transpose this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transpose in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • transpose3x3

      public Matrix4f transpose3x3()
      Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.

      All other matrix elements are left unchanged.

    • transpose3x3

      public Matrix4f transpose3x3(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.

      All other matrix elements are left unchanged.

      Specified by:
      transpose3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • transpose3x3

      public Matrix3f transpose3x3(Matrix3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transpose only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transpose3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • transpose

      public Matrix4f transpose()
      Transpose this matrix.
    • translation

      public Matrix4f translation(float x, float y, float z)
      Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional translation.

      In order to post-multiply a translation transformation directly to a matrix, use translate() instead.

      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      See Also:
    • translation

      public Matrix4f translation(Vector3fc offset)
      Set this matrix to be a simple translation matrix.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional translation.

      In order to post-multiply a translation transformation directly to a matrix, use translate() instead.

      offset - the offsets in x, y and z to translate
      See Also:
    • setTranslation

      public Matrix4f setTranslation(float x, float y, float z)
      Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the given values (x, y, z).

      Note that this will only work properly for orthogonal matrices (without any perspective).

      To build a translation matrix instead, use translation(float, float, float). To apply a translation, use translate(float, float, float).

      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      See Also:
    • setTranslation

      public Matrix4f setTranslation(Vector3fc xyz)
      Set only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix to the values (xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z).

      Note that this will only work properly for orthogonal matrices (without any perspective).

      To build a translation matrix instead, use translation(Vector3fc). To apply a translation, use translate(Vector3fc).

      xyz - the units to translate in (x, y, z)
      See Also:
    • getTranslation

      public Vector3f getTranslation(Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get only the translation components (m30, m31, m32) of this matrix and store them in the given vector xyz.
      Specified by:
      getTranslation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the translation components of this matrix
    • getScale

      public Vector3f getScale(Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the scaling factors of this matrix for the three base axes.
      Specified by:
      getScale in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the scaling factors for x, y and z
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Return a string representation of this matrix.

      This method creates a new DecimalFormat on every invocation with the format string "0.000E0;-".

      toString in class Object
      the string representation
    • toString

      public String toString(NumberFormat formatter)
      Return a string representation of this matrix by formatting the matrix elements with the given NumberFormat.
      formatter - the NumberFormat used to format the matrix values with
      the string representation
    • get

      public Matrix4f get(Matrix4f dest)
      Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.

      This is the reverse method of set(Matrix4fc) and allows to obtain intermediate calculation results when chaining multiple transformations.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination matrix
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • get4x3

      public Matrix4x3f get4x3(Matrix4x3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
      Specified by:
      get4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination matrix
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • get

      public Matrix4d get(Matrix4d dest)
      Get the current values of this matrix and store them into dest.

      This is the reverse method of set(Matrix4dc) and allows to obtain intermediate calculation results when chaining multiple transformations.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination matrix
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • get3x3

      public Matrix3f get3x3(Matrix3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
      Specified by:
      get3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination matrix
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • get3x3

      public Matrix3d get3x3(Matrix3d dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store them into dest.
      Specified by:
      get3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination matrix
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getRotation

      public AxisAngle4f getRotation(AxisAngle4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the rotational component of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given AxisAngle4f.
      Specified by:
      getRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination AxisAngle4f
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getRotation

      public AxisAngle4d getRotation(AxisAngle4d dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the rotational component of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given AxisAngle4d.
      Specified by:
      getRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination AxisAngle4d
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getUnnormalizedRotation

      public Quaternionf getUnnormalizedRotation(Quaternionf dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaternionf.

      This method assumes that the first three column vectors of the upper left 3x3 submatrix are not normalized and thus allows to ignore any additional scaling factor that is applied to the matrix.

      Specified by:
      getUnnormalizedRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination Quaternionf
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getNormalizedRotation

      public Quaternionf getNormalizedRotation(Quaternionf dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaternionf.

      This method assumes that the first three column vectors of the upper left 3x3 submatrix are normalized.

      Specified by:
      getNormalizedRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination Quaternionf
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getUnnormalizedRotation

      public Quaterniond getUnnormalizedRotation(Quaterniond dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaterniond.

      This method assumes that the first three column vectors of the upper left 3x3 submatrix are not normalized and thus allows to ignore any additional scaling factor that is applied to the matrix.

      Specified by:
      getUnnormalizedRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination Quaterniond
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • getNormalizedRotation

      public Quaterniond getNormalizedRotation(Quaterniond dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the current values of this matrix and store the represented rotation into the given Quaterniond.

      This method assumes that the first three column vectors of the upper left 3x3 submatrix are normalized.

      Specified by:
      getNormalizedRotation in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - the destination Quaterniond
      the passed in destination
      See Also:
    • get

      public get( buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied Float32Array.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get

      public get(int index, buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied Float32Array at the given index.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the index at which to store this matrix in the supplied Float32Array
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get

      public FloatBuffer get(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the FloatBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get(int, FloatBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get

      public FloatBuffer get(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get

      public ByteBuffer get(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get

      public ByteBuffer get(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get4x3

      public FloatBuffer get4x3(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the FloatBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get(int, FloatBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get4x3

      public FloatBuffer get4x3(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get4x3

      public ByteBuffer get4x3(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get4x3

      public ByteBuffer get4x3(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get4x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get3x4

      public FloatBuffer get3x4(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the FloatBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get3x4(int, FloatBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get3x4 in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get3x4

      public FloatBuffer get3x4(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get3x4 in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get3x4

      public ByteBuffer get3x4(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get3x4(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get3x4 in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get3x4

      public ByteBuffer get3x4(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get3x4 in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the left 3x4 submatrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • getTransposed

      public FloatBuffer getTransposed(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the FloatBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.getTransposed(int, FloatBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      getTransposed in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • getTransposed

      public FloatBuffer getTransposed(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      Specified by:
      getTransposed in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • getTransposed

      public ByteBuffer getTransposed(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.getTransposed(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      getTransposed in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • getTransposed

      public ByteBuffer getTransposed(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the transpose of this matrix in column-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      Specified by:
      getTransposed in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of this matrix in column-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get4x3Transposed

      public FloatBuffer get4x3Transposed(FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the FloatBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get4x3Transposed(int, FloatBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get4x3Transposed in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in row-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get4x3Transposed

      public FloatBuffer get4x3Transposed(int index, FloatBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied FloatBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given FloatBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get4x3Transposed in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the FloatBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in row-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • get4x3Transposed

      public ByteBuffer get4x3Transposed(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer at the current buffer position.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      In order to specify the offset into the ByteBuffer at which the matrix is stored, use Matrix4fc.get4x3Transposed(int, ByteBuffer), taking the absolute position as parameter.

      Specified by:
      get4x3Transposed in interface Matrix4fc
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in row-major order at its current position
      the passed in buffer
      See Also:
    • get4x3Transposed

      public ByteBuffer get4x3Transposed(int index, ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store the upper 4x3 submatrix of this matrix in row-major order into the supplied ByteBuffer starting at the specified absolute buffer position/index.

      This method will not increment the position of the given ByteBuffer.

      Specified by:
      get4x3Transposed in interface Matrix4fc
      index - the absolute position into the ByteBuffer
      buffer - will receive the values of the upper 4x3 submatrix in row-major order
      the passed in buffer
    • getToAddress

      public Matrix4fc getToAddress(long address)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix in column-major order at the given off-heap address.

      This method will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when JOML is used with `-Djoml.nounsafe`.

      This method is unsafe as it can result in a crash of the JVM process when the specified address range does not belong to this process.

      Specified by:
      getToAddress in interface Matrix4fc
      address - the off-heap address where to store this matrix
    • get

      public float[] get(float[] arr, int offset)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix into the supplied float array in column-major order at the given offset.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      arr - the array to write the matrix values into
      offset - the offset into the array
      the passed in array
    • get

      public float[] get(float[] arr)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Store this matrix into the supplied float array in column-major order.

      In order to specify an explicit offset into the array, use the method Matrix4fc.get(float[], int).

      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      arr - the array to write the matrix values into
      the passed in array
      See Also:
    • zero

      public Matrix4f zero()
      Set all the values within this matrix to 0.
    • scaling

      public Matrix4f scaling(float factor)
      Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix, which scales all axes uniformly by the given factor.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional scaling.

      In order to post-multiply a scaling transformation directly to a matrix, use scale() instead.

      factor - the scale factor in x, y and z
      See Also:
    • scaling

      public Matrix4f scaling(float x, float y, float z)
      Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional scaling.

      In order to post-multiply a scaling transformation directly to a matrix, use scale() instead.

      x - the scale in x
      y - the scale in y
      z - the scale in z
      See Also:
    • scaling

      public Matrix4f scaling(Vector3fc xyz)
      Set this matrix to be a simple scale matrix which scales the base axes by xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z respectively.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional scaling.

      In order to post-multiply a scaling transformation directly to a matrix use scale() instead.

      xyz - the scale in x, y and z respectively
      See Also:
    • rotation

      public Matrix4f rotation(float angle, Vector3fc axis)
      Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.

      The axis described by the axis vector needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional rotation.

      In order to post-multiply a rotation transformation directly to a matrix, use rotate() instead.

      angle - the angle in radians
      axis - the axis to rotate about (needs to be normalized)
      See Also:
    • rotation

      public Matrix4f rotation(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation using the given AxisAngle4f.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional rotation.

      In order to apply the rotation transformation to an existing transformation, use rotate() instead.


      axisAngle - the AxisAngle4f (needs to be normalized)
      See Also:
    • rotation

      public Matrix4f rotation(float angle, float x, float y, float z)
      Set this matrix to a rotation matrix which rotates the given radians about a given axis.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional rotation.

      In order to apply the rotation transformation to an existing transformation, use rotate() instead.


      angle - the angle in radians
      x - the x-component of the rotation axis
      y - the y-component of the rotation axis
      z - the z-component of the rotation axis
      See Also:
    • rotationX

      public Matrix4f rotationX(float ang)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotationY

      public Matrix4f rotationY(float ang)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Y axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotationZ

      public Matrix4f rotationZ(float ang)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotationTowardsXY

      public Matrix4f rotationTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).

      The vector (dirX, dirY) must be a unit vector.

      dirX - the x component of the normalized direction
      dirY - the y component of the normalized direction
    • rotationXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotationXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
      Set this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotationX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).rotateZ(angleZ)

      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotationZYX

      public Matrix4f rotationZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
      Set this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotationZ(angleZ).rotateY(angleY).rotateX(angleX)

      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
    • rotationYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotationYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
      Set this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotationY(angleY).rotateX(angleX).rotateZ(angleZ)

      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • setRotationXYZ

      public Matrix4f setRotationXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
      Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • setRotationZYX

      public Matrix4f setRotationZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
      Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
    • setRotationYXZ

      public Matrix4f setRotationYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
      Set only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix to a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotation

      public Matrix4f rotation(Quaternionfc quat)
      Set this matrix to the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      The resulting matrix can be multiplied against another transformation matrix to obtain an additional rotation.

      In order to apply the rotation transformation to an existing transformation, use rotate() instead.


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScale

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScale(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat).scale(sx, sy, sz)

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      sx - the scaling factor for the x-axis
      sy - the scaling factor for the y-axis
      sz - the scaling factor for the z-axis
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScale

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScale(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, Vector3fc scale)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(translation).rotate(quat).scale(scale)

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      scale - the scaling factors
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScale

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScale(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float scale)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat).scale(scale)

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      scale - the scaling factor for all three axes
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScale

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScale(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, float scale)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(translation).rotate(quat).scale(scale)

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      scale - the scaling factors
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScaleInvert

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScaleInvert(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz)
      Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), and S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz).

      This method is equivalent to calling: translationRotateScale(...).invert()

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      sx - the scaling factor for the x-axis
      sy - the scaling factor for the y-axis
      sz - the scaling factor for the z-axis
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScaleInvert

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, Vector3fc scale)
      Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translationRotateScale(...).invert()

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      scale - the scaling factors
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScaleInvert

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScaleInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, float scale)
      Set this matrix to (T * R * S)-1, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion, and S is a scaling transformation which scales all three axes by scale.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translationRotateScale(...).invert()

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      scale - the scaling factors
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScaleMulAffine

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScaleMulAffine(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw, float sx, float sy, float sz, Matrix4f m)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz), R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw), S is a scaling transformation which scales the three axes x, y and z by (sx, sy, sz) and M is an affine matrix.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the transformation described by M will be applied first, then the scaling, then rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat).scale(sx, sy, sz).mulAffine(m)

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      sx - the scaling factor for the x-axis
      sy - the scaling factor for the y-axis
      sz - the scaling factor for the z-axis
      m - the affine matrix to multiply by
      See Also:
    • translationRotateScaleMulAffine

      public Matrix4f translationRotateScaleMulAffine(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat, Vector3fc scale, Matrix4f m)
      Set this matrix to T * R * S * M, where T is the given translation, R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion, S is a scaling transformation which scales the axes by scale and M is an affine matrix.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the transformation described by M will be applied first, then the scaling, then rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(translation).rotate(quat).scale(scale).mulAffine(m)

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      scale - the scaling factors
      m - the affine matrix to multiply by
      See Also:
    • translationRotate

      public Matrix4f translationRotate(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
      Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation will be applied first and then the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat)

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      See Also:
    • translationRotate

      public Matrix4f translationRotate(float tx, float ty, float tz, Quaternionfc quat)
      Set this matrix to T * R, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation specified by the given quaternion.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation will be applied first and then the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(tx, ty, tz).rotate(quat)

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      See Also:
    • translationRotate

      public Matrix4f translationRotate(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat)
      Set this matrix to T * R, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.

      When transforming a vector by the resulting matrix the scaling transformation will be applied first, then the rotation and at last the translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(translation).rotate(quat)

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      See Also:
    • translationRotateInvert

      public Matrix4f translationRotateInvert(float tx, float ty, float tz, float qx, float qy, float qz, float qw)
      Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is a translation by the given (tx, ty, tz) and R is a rotation transformation specified by the quaternion (qx, qy, qz, qw).

      This method is equivalent to calling: translationRotate(...).invert()

      tx - the number of units by which to translate the x-component
      ty - the number of units by which to translate the y-component
      tz - the number of units by which to translate the z-component
      qx - the x-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qy - the y-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qz - the z-coordinate of the vector part of the quaternion
      qw - the scalar part of the quaternion
      See Also:
    • translationRotateInvert

      public Matrix4f translationRotateInvert(Vector3fc translation, Quaternionfc quat)
      Set this matrix to (T * R)-1, where T is the given translation and R is a rotation transformation specified by the given quaternion.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translationRotate(...).invert()

      translation - the translation
      quat - the quaternion representing a rotation
      See Also:
    • set3x3

      public Matrix4f set3x3(Matrix3fc mat)
      Set the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this Matrix4f to the given Matrix3fc and don't change the other elements.
      mat - the 3x3 matrix
    • transform

      public Vector4f transform(Vector4f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix and store the result in that vector.
      Specified by:
      transform in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transform

      public Vector4f transform(Vector4fc v, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transform in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
      See Also:
    • transform

      public Vector4f transform(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transform in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the vector to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the vector to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the vector to transform
      w - the w coordinate of the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
    • transformTranspose

      public Vector4f transformTranspose(Vector4f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in that vector.
      Specified by:
      transformTranspose in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformTranspose

      public Vector4f transformTranspose(Vector4fc v, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformTranspose in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
      See Also:
    • transformTranspose

      public Vector4f transformTranspose(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by the transpose of this matrix and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformTranspose in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the vector to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the vector to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the vector to transform
      w - the w coordinate of the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
    • transformProject

      public Vector4f transformProject(Vector4f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in that vector.
      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformProject

      public Vector4f transformProject(Vector4fc v, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
      See Also:
    • transformProject

      public Vector4f transformProject(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the vector to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the vector to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the vector to transform
      w - the w coordinate of the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
    • transformProject

      public Vector3f transformProject(Vector4fc v, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the (x, y, z) components of the result
      See Also:
    • transformProject

      public Vector3f transformProject(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z, w) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store (x, y, z) of the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the vector to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the vector to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the vector to transform
      w - the w coordinate of the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the (x, y, z) components of the result
    • transformProject

      public Vector3f transformProject(Vector3f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in that vector.

      This method uses w=1.0 as the fourth vector component.

      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformProject

      public Vector3f transformProject(Vector3fc v, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given vector by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.

      This method uses w=1.0 as the fourth vector component.

      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
      See Also:
    • transformProject

      public Vector3f transformProject(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the vector (x, y, z) by this matrix, perform perspective divide and store the result in dest.

      This method uses w=1.0 as the fourth vector component.

      Specified by:
      transformProject in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the vector to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the vector to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the vector to transform
      dest - will contain the result
    • transformPosition

      public Vector3f transformPosition(Vector3f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in that vector.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 1.0, so it will represent a position/location in 3D-space rather than a direction. This method is therefore not suited for perspective projection transformations as it will not save the w component of the transformed vector. For perspective projection use Matrix4fc.transform(Vector4f) or Matrix4fc.transformProject(Vector3f) when perspective divide should be applied, too.

      In order to store the result in another vector, use Matrix4fc.transformPosition(Vector3fc, Vector3f).

      Specified by:
      transformPosition in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformPosition

      public Vector3f transformPosition(Vector3fc v, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 1.0, so it will represent a position/location in 3D-space rather than a direction. This method is therefore not suited for perspective projection transformations as it will not save the w component of the transformed vector. For perspective projection use Matrix4fc.transform(Vector4fc, Vector4f) or Matrix4fc.transformProject(Vector3fc, Vector3f) when perspective divide should be applied, too.

      In order to store the result in the same vector, use Matrix4fc.transformPosition(Vector3f).

      Specified by:
      transformPosition in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • transformPosition

      public Vector3f transformPosition(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the 3D-vector (x, y, z), as if it was a 4D-vector with w=1, by this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 1.0, so it will represent a position/location in 3D-space rather than a direction. This method is therefore not suited for perspective projection transformations as it will not save the w component of the transformed vector. For perspective projection use Matrix4fc.transform(float, float, float, float, Vector4f) or Matrix4fc.transformProject(float, float, float, Vector3f) when perspective divide should be applied, too.

      Specified by:
      transformPosition in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the position
      y - the y coordinate of the position
      z - the z coordinate of the position
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • transformDirection

      public Vector3f transformDirection(Vector3f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in that vector.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 0.0, so it will represent a direction in 3D-space rather than a position. This method will therefore not take the translation part of the matrix into account.

      In order to store the result in another vector, use Matrix4fc.transformDirection(Vector3fc, Vector3f).

      Specified by:
      transformDirection in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformDirection

      public Vector3f transformDirection(Vector3fc v, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector, as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 0.0, so it will represent a direction in 3D-space rather than a position. This method will therefore not take the translation part of the matrix into account.

      In order to store the result in the same vector, use Matrix4fc.transformDirection(Vector3f).

      Specified by:
      transformDirection in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • transformDirection

      public Vector3f transformDirection(float x, float y, float z, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 3D-vector (x, y, z), as if it was a 4D-vector with w=0, by this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given 3D-vector is treated as a 4D-vector with its w-component being 0.0, so it will represent a direction in 3D-space rather than a position. This method will therefore not take the translation part of the matrix into account.

      Specified by:
      transformDirection in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the direction to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the direction to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the direction to transform
      dest - will hold the result
    • transformAffine

      public Vector4f transformAffine(Vector4f v)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 4D-vector by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)).

      In order to store the result in another vector, use Matrix4fc.transformAffine(Vector4fc, Vector4f).

      Specified by:
      transformAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      See Also:
    • transformAffine

      public Vector4f transformAffine(Vector4fc v, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the given 4D-vector by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and store the result in dest.

      In order to store the result in the same vector, use Matrix4fc.transformAffine(Vector4f).

      Specified by:
      transformAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      v - the vector to transform and to hold the final result
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • transformAffine

      public Vector4f transformAffine(float x, float y, float z, float w, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform/multiply the 4D-vector (x, y, z, w) by assuming that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      transformAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the direction to transform
      y - the y coordinate of the direction to transform
      z - the z coordinate of the direction to transform
      w - the w coordinate of the direction to transform
      dest - will hold the result
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(Vector3fc xyz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v , the scaling will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      scale in interface Matrix4fc
      xyz - the factors of the x, y and z component, respectively
      dest - will hold the result
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(Vector3fc xyz)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz.x, xyz.y and xyz.z factors, respectively.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      xyz - the factors of the x, y and z component, respectively
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(float xyz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      Individual scaling of all three axes can be applied using Matrix4fc.scale(float, float, float, Matrix4f).

      Specified by:
      scale in interface Matrix4fc
      xyz - the factor for all components
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(float xyz)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by uniformly scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      Individual scaling of all three axes can be applied using scale(float, float, float).

      xyz - the factor for all components
      See Also:
    • scaleXY

      public Matrix4f scaleXY(float x, float y, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      scaleXY in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleXY

      public Matrix4f scaleXY(float x, float y)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the X axis by x and the Y axis by y.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v , the scaling will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      scale in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
      z - the factor of the z component
      dest - will hold the result
    • scale

      public Matrix4f scale(float x, float y, float z)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
      z - the factor of the z component
    • scaleAround

      public Matrix4f scaleAround(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v , the scaling will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz, dest).scale(sx, sy, sz).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)

      Specified by:
      scaleAround in interface Matrix4fc
      sx - the scaling factor of the x component
      sy - the scaling factor of the y component
      sz - the scaling factor of the z component
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleAround

      public Matrix4f scaleAround(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(sx, sy, sz).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)

      sx - the scaling factor of the x component
      sy - the scaling factor of the y component
      sz - the scaling factor of the z component
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
    • scaleAround

      public Matrix4f scaleAround(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(factor).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)

      factor - the scaling factor for all three axes
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
    • scaleAround

      public Matrix4f scaleAround(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the scaling will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz, dest).scale(factor).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)

      Specified by:
      scaleAround in interface Matrix4fc
      factor - the scaling factor for all three axes
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleLocal(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v , the scaling will be applied last!

      Specified by:
      scaleLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
      z - the factor of the z component
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleLocal(float xyz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all base axes by the given xyz factor, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v , the scaling will be applied last!

      Specified by:
      scaleLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      xyz - the factor to scale all three base axes by
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleLocal(float xyz)
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given xyz factor.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v, the scaling will be applied last!

      xyz - the factor of the x, y and z component
    • scaleLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleLocal(float x, float y, float z)
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given x, y and z factors.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v, the scaling will be applied last!

      x - the factor of the x component
      y - the factor of the y component
      z - the factor of the z component
    • scaleAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleAroundLocal(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using the given (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v , the scaling will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: new Matrix4f().translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(sx, sy, sz).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz).mul(this, dest)

      Specified by:
      scaleAroundLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      sx - the scaling factor of the x component
      sy - the scaling factor of the y component
      sz - the scaling factor of the z component
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • scaleAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleAroundLocal(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling the base axes by the given sx, sy and sz factors while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v, the scaling will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: new Matrix4f().translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(sx, sy, sz).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz).mul(this, this)

      sx - the scaling factor of the x component
      sy - the scaling factor of the y component
      sz - the scaling factor of the z component
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
    • scaleAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleAroundLocal(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v, the scaling will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: new Matrix4f().translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(factor).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz).mul(this, this)

      factor - the scaling factor for all three axes
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
    • scaleAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f scaleAroundLocal(float factor, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply scaling to this matrix by scaling all three base axes by the given factor while using (ox, oy, oz) as the scaling origin, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and S the scaling matrix, then the new matrix will be S * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using S * M * v, the scaling will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: new Matrix4f().translate(ox, oy, oz).scale(factor).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz).mul(this, dest)

      Specified by:
      scaleAroundLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      factor - the scaling factor for all three axes
      ox - the x coordinate of the scaling origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the scaling origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the scaling origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateX

      public Matrix4f rotateX(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      rotateX in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateX

      public Matrix4f rotateX(float ang)
      Apply rotation about the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotateY

      public Matrix4f rotateY(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      rotateY in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateY

      public Matrix4f rotateY(float ang)
      Apply rotation about the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotateZ

      public Matrix4f rotateZ(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      rotateZ in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateZ

      public Matrix4f rotateZ(float ang)
      Apply rotation about the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!


      ang - the angle in radians
    • rotateTowardsXY

      public Matrix4f rotateTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY)
      Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      The vector (dirX, dirY) must be a unit vector.

      dirX - the x component of the normalized direction
      dirY - the y component of the normalized direction
    • rotateTowardsXY

      public Matrix4f rotateTowardsXY(float dirX, float dirY, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation about the Z axis to align the local +X towards (dirX, dirY) and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      The vector (dirX, dirY) must be a unit vector.

      Specified by:
      rotateTowardsXY in interface Matrix4fc
      dirX - the x component of the normalized direction
      dirY - the y component of the normalized direction
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotateXYZ(Vector3fc angles)
      Apply rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateX(angles.x()).rotateY(angles.y()).rotateZ(angles.z())

      angles - the Euler angles
    • rotateXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotateXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
      Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).rotateZ(angleZ)

      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotateXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotateXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateX(angleX, dest).rotateY(angleY).rotateZ(angleZ)

      Specified by:
      rotateXYZ in interface Matrix4fc
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateAffineXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ)
      Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).rotateZ(angleZ)

      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotateAffineXYZ

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineXYZ(float angleX, float angleY, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleX radians about the X axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      rotateAffineXYZ in interface Matrix4fc
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateZYX

      public Matrix4f rotateZYX(Vector3f angles)
      Apply rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateZ(angles.z).rotateY(angles.y).rotateX(angles.x)

      angles - the Euler angles
    • rotateZYX

      public Matrix4f rotateZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
      Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateZ(angleZ).rotateY(angleY).rotateX(angleX)

      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
    • rotateZYX

      public Matrix4f rotateZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateZ(angleZ, dest).rotateY(angleY).rotateX(angleX)

      Specified by:
      rotateZYX in interface Matrix4fc
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateAffineZYX

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX)
      Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
    • rotateAffineZYX

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineZYX(float angleZ, float angleY, float angleX, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis and followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      rotateAffineZYX in interface Matrix4fc
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotateYXZ(Vector3f angles)
      Apply rotation of angles.y radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angles.x radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angles.z radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateY(angles.y).rotateX(angles.x).rotateZ(angles.z)

      angles - the Euler angles
    • rotateYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotateYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
      Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateY(angleY).rotateX(angleX).rotateZ(angleZ)

      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotateYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotateYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: rotateY(angleY, dest).rotateX(angleX).rotateZ(angleZ)

      Specified by:
      rotateYXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateAffineYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ)
      Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
    • rotateAffineYXZ

      public Matrix4f rotateAffineYXZ(float angleY, float angleX, float angleZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply rotation of angleY radians about the Y axis, followed by a rotation of angleX radians about the X axis and followed by a rotation of angleZ radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method assumes that this matrix represents an affine transformation (i.e. its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1)) and can be used to speed up matrix multiplication if the matrix only represents affine transformations, such as translation, rotation, scaling and shearing (in any combination).

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      rotateAffineYXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      angleY - the angle to rotate about Y
      angleX - the angle to rotate about X
      angleZ - the angle to rotate about Z
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without post-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      Specified by:
      rotate in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
      Apply rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without post-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      See Also:
    • rotateTranslation

      public Matrix4f rotateTranslation(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply rotation to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to only contain a translation.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without post-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      Specified by:
      rotateTranslation in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateAffine

      public Matrix4f rotateAffine(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to be affine.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without post-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      Specified by:
      rotateAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateAffine

      public Matrix4f rotateAffine(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
      Apply rotation to this affine matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.

      This method assumes this to be affine.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without post-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      See Also:
    • rotateLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateLocal(float ang, float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis and store the result in dest.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      Specified by:
      rotateLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateLocal(float ang, float x, float y, float z)
      Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the specified (x, y, z) axis.

      The axis described by the three components needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotation().


      ang - the angle in radians
      x - the x component of the axis
      y - the y component of the axis
      z - the z component of the axis
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalX

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalX(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a rotation around the X axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationX().


      Specified by:
      rotateLocalX in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the X axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalX

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalX(float ang)
      Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the X axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationX().


      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the X axis
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalY

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalY(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a rotation around the Y axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationY().


      Specified by:
      rotateLocalY in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the Y axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalY

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalY(float ang)
      Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Y axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationY().


      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the Y axis
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalZ

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalZ(float ang, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a rotation around the Z axis to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationZ().


      Specified by:
      rotateLocalZ in interface Matrix4fc
      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the Z axis
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateLocalZ

      public Matrix4f rotateLocalZ(float ang)
      Pre-multiply a rotation to this matrix by rotating the given amount of radians about the Z axis.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and R the rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be R * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using R * M * v, the rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation matrix without pre-multiplying the rotation transformation, use rotationY().


      ang - the angle in radians to rotate about the Z axis
      See Also:
    • translate

      public Matrix4f translate(Vector3fc offset)
      Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the translation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without post-multiplying it, use translation(Vector3fc).

      offset - the number of units in x, y and z by which to translate
      See Also:
    • translate

      public Matrix4f translate(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the translation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without post-multiplying it, use translation(Vector3fc).

      Specified by:
      translate in interface Matrix4fc
      offset - the number of units in x, y and z by which to translate
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • translate

      public Matrix4f translate(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the translation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without post-multiplying it, use translation(float, float, float).

      Specified by:
      translate in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • translate

      public Matrix4f translate(float x, float y, float z)
      Apply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the translation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without post-multiplying it, use translation(float, float, float).

      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      See Also:
    • translateLocal

      public Matrix4f translateLocal(Vector3fc offset)
      Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be T * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using T * M * v, the translation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without pre-multiplying it, use translation(Vector3fc).

      offset - the number of units in x, y and z by which to translate
      See Also:
    • translateLocal

      public Matrix4f translateLocal(Vector3fc offset, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be T * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using T * M * v, the translation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without pre-multiplying it, use translation(Vector3fc).

      Specified by:
      translateLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      offset - the number of units in x, y and z by which to translate
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • translateLocal

      public Matrix4f translateLocal(float x, float y, float z, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be T * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using T * M * v, the translation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without pre-multiplying it, use translation(float, float, float).

      Specified by:
      translateLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • translateLocal

      public Matrix4f translateLocal(float x, float y, float z)
      Pre-multiply a translation to this matrix by translating by the given number of units in x, y and z.

      If M is this matrix and T the translation matrix, then the new matrix will be T * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using T * M * v, the translation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a translation transformation without pre-multiplying it, use translation(float, float, float).

      x - the offset to translate in x
      y - the offset to translate in y
      z - the offset to translate in z
      See Also:
    • writeExternal

      public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeExternal in interface Externalizable
    • readExternal

      public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      readExternal in interface Externalizable
    • ortho

      public Matrix4f ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho().


      Specified by:
      ortho in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • ortho

      public Matrix4f ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho().


      Specified by:
      ortho in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • ortho

      public Matrix4f ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • ortho

      public Matrix4f ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • orthoLH

      public Matrix4f orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoLH().


      Specified by:
      orthoLH in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • orthoLH

      public Matrix4f orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoLH().


      Specified by:
      orthoLH in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • orthoLH

      public Matrix4f orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • orthoLH

      public Matrix4f orthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordiante system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • setOrtho

      public Matrix4f setOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use ortho().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setOrtho

      public Matrix4f setOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use ortho().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • setOrthoLH

      public Matrix4f setOrthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setOrthoLH

      public Matrix4f setOrthoLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetric().


      Specified by:
      orthoSymmetric in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetric().


      Specified by:
      orthoSymmetric in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetric().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetric().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetricLH().


      Specified by:
      orthoSymmetricLH in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetricLH().


      Specified by:
      orthoSymmetricLH in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetricLH().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • orthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f orthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a symmetric orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoSymmetricLH().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • setOrthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f setOrthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrtho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      In order to apply the symmetric orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoSymmetric().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setOrthoSymmetric

      public Matrix4f setOrthoSymmetric(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrtho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      In order to apply the symmetric orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoSymmetric().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • setOrthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f setOrthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrtho() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      In order to apply the symmetric orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoSymmetricLH().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setOrthoSymmetricLH

      public Matrix4f setOrthoSymmetricLH(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrthoLH() with left=-width/2, right=+width/2, bottom=-height/2 and top=+height/2.

      In order to apply the symmetric orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use orthoSymmetricLH().


      width - the distance between the right and left frustum edges
      height - the distance between the top and bottom frustum edges
      zNear - near clipping plane distance
      zFar - far clipping plane distance
      See Also:
    • ortho2D

      public Matrix4f ortho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho().


      Specified by:
      ortho2D in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • ortho2D

      public Matrix4f ortho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling ortho() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho2D().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      See Also:
    • ortho2DLH

      public Matrix4f ortho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrthoLH().


      Specified by:
      ortho2DLH in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • ortho2DLH

      public Matrix4f ortho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
      Apply an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system to this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling orthoLH() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      If M is this matrix and O the orthographic projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the orthographic projection transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to an orthographic projection without post-multiplying it, use setOrtho2DLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      See Also:
    • setOrtho2D

      public Matrix4f setOrtho2D(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a right-handed coordinate system.

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrtho() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use ortho2D().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      See Also:
    • setOrtho2DLH

      public Matrix4f setOrtho2DLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
      Set this matrix to be an orthographic projection transformation for a left-handed coordinate system.

      This method is equivalent to calling setOrthoLH() with zNear=-1 and zFar=+1.

      In order to apply the orthographic projection to an already existing transformation, use ortho2DLH().


      left - the distance from the center to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance from the center to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance from the center to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance from the center to the top frustum edge
      See Also:
    • lookAlong

      public Matrix4f lookAlong(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up)
      Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookalong rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookalong rotation transformation will be applied first!

      This is equivalent to calling lookAt with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to set the matrix to a lookalong transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAlong().

      dir - the direction in space to look along
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • lookAlong

      public Matrix4f lookAlong(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookalong rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookalong rotation transformation will be applied first!

      This is equivalent to calling lookAt with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to set the matrix to a lookalong transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAlong().

      Specified by:
      lookAlong in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - the direction in space to look along
      up - the direction of 'up'
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAlong

      public Matrix4f lookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookalong rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookalong rotation transformation will be applied first!

      This is equivalent to calling lookAt() with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to set the matrix to a lookalong transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAlong()

      Specified by:
      lookAlong in interface Matrix4fc
      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to look along
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAlong

      public Matrix4f lookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Apply a rotation transformation to this matrix to make -z point along dir.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookalong rotation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookalong rotation transformation will be applied first!

      This is equivalent to calling lookAt() with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to set the matrix to a lookalong transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAlong()

      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to look along
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • setLookAlong

      public Matrix4f setLookAlong(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.

      This is equivalent to calling setLookAt() with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to apply the lookalong transformation to any previous existing transformation, use lookAlong(Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      dir - the direction in space to look along
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • setLookAlong

      public Matrix4f setLookAlong(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Set this matrix to a rotation transformation to make -z point along dir.

      This is equivalent to calling setLookAt() with eye = (0, 0, 0) and center = dir.

      In order to apply the lookalong transformation to any previous existing transformation, use lookAlong()

      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to look along
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to look along
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • setLookAt

      public Matrix4f setLookAt(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.

      In order to not make use of vectors to specify eye, center and up but use primitives, like in the GLU function, use setLookAt() instead.

      In order to apply the lookat transformation to a previous existing transformation, use lookAt().

      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • setLookAt

      public Matrix4f setLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.

      In order to apply the lookat transformation to a previous existing transformation, use lookAt.

      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • lookAt

      public Matrix4f lookAt(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAt(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      Specified by:
      lookAt in interface Matrix4fc
      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAt

      public Matrix4f lookAt(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAt(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • lookAt

      public Matrix4f lookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAt().

      Specified by:
      lookAt in interface Matrix4fc
      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAtPerspective

      public Matrix4f lookAtPerspective(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to be a perspective transformation, obtained via frustum() or perspective() or one of their overloads.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAt().

      Specified by:
      lookAtPerspective in interface Matrix4fc
      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAt

      public Matrix4f lookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns -z with center - eye.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAt().

      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • setLookAtLH

      public Matrix4f setLookAtLH(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.

      In order to not make use of vectors to specify eye, center and up but use primitives, like in the GLU function, use setLookAtLH() instead.

      In order to apply the lookat transformation to a previous existing transformation, use lookAt().

      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • setLookAtLH

      public Matrix4f setLookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Set this matrix to be a "lookat" transformation for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.

      In order to apply the lookat transformation to a previous existing transformation, use lookAtLH.

      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • lookAtLH

      public Matrix4f lookAtLH(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAtLH(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      Specified by:
      lookAtLH in interface Matrix4fc
      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAtLH

      public Matrix4f lookAtLH(Vector3fc eye, Vector3fc center, Vector3fc up)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAtLH(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      eye - the position of the camera
      center - the point in space to look at
      up - the direction of 'up'
      See Also:
    • lookAtLH

      public Matrix4f lookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAtLH().

      Specified by:
      lookAtLH in interface Matrix4fc
      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • lookAtLH

      public Matrix4f lookAtLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAtLH().

      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • lookAtPerspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f lookAtPerspectiveLH(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a "lookat" transformation to this matrix for a left-handed coordinate system, that aligns +z with center - eye and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to be a perspective transformation, obtained via frustumLH() or perspectiveLH() or one of their overloads.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a lookat transformation without post-multiplying it, use setLookAtLH().

      Specified by:
      lookAtPerspectiveLH in interface Matrix4fc
      eyeX - the x-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeY - the y-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      eyeZ - the z-coordinate of the eye/camera location
      centerX - the x-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerY - the y-coordinate of the point to look at
      centerZ - the z-coordinate of the point to look at
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • tile

      public Matrix4f tile(int x, int y, int w, int h)
      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0).scale(w, h, 1)

      If M is this matrix and T the created transformation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the created transformation will be applied first!

      x - the tile's x coordinate/index (should be in [0..w))
      y - the tile's y coordinate/index (should be in [0..h))
      w - the number of tiles along the x axis
      h - the number of tiles along the y axis
    • tile

      public Matrix4f tile(int x, int y, int w, int h, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(w-1-2*x, h-1-2*y, 0, dest).scale(w, h, 1)

      If M is this matrix and T the created transformation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * T. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * T * v, the created transformation will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      tile in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the tile's x coordinate/index (should be in [0..w))
      y - the tile's y coordinate/index (should be in [0..h))
      w - the number of tiles along the x axis
      h - the number of tiles along the y axis
      dest - will hold the result
    • perspective

      public Matrix4f perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspective.

      Specified by:
      perspective in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspective

      public Matrix4f perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspective.

      Specified by:
      perspective in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspective

      public Matrix4f perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspective.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspective

      public Matrix4f perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspective.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • perspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveRect.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveRect in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveRect.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveRect in interface Matrix4fc
      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveRect.

      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f perspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveRect.

      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenter.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenter in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenter.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenter in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation using for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenter.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenter.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenterFov.

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenterFov in interface Matrix4fc
      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
    • perspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenterFov.

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenterFov in interface Matrix4fc
      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
    • perspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH.

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenterFovLH in interface Matrix4fc
      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
    • perspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH.

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • perspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOffCenterFovLH in interface Matrix4fc
      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
    • setPerspective

      public Matrix4f setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspective().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setPerspective

      public Matrix4f setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspective().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveRect().

      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveRect

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveRect(float width, float height, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveRect().

      width - the width of the near frustum plane
      height - the height of the near frustum plane
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenter().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenter

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenter(float fovy, float offAngleX, float offAngleY, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      The given angles offAngleX and offAngleY are the horizontal and vertical angles between the line of sight and the line given by the center of the near and far frustum planes. So, when offAngleY is just fovy/2 then the projection frustum is rotated towards +Y and the bottom frustum plane is parallel to the XZ-plane.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenter().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      offAngleX - the horizontal angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      offAngleY - the vertical angle between the line of sight and the line crossing the center of the near and far frustum planes
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenterFov().

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenterFov

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenterFov(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenterFov().

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenterFovLH().

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveOffCenterFovLH(float angleLeft, float angleRight, float angleDown, float angleUp, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an asymmetric off-center perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      The given angles angleLeft and angleRight are the horizontal angles between the left and right frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes. The angles angleDown and angleUp are the vertical angles between the bottom and top frustum planes, respectively, and a line perpendicular to the near and far frustum planes.

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveOffCenterFovLH().

      angleLeft - the horizontal angle between left frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleRight - the horizontal angle between right frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      angleDown - the vertical angle between bottom frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes. For a symmetric frustum, this value is negative.
      angleUp - the vertical angle between top frustum plane and a line perpendicular to the near/far frustum planes
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveLH.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveLH in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveLH.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • perspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveLH.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveLH in interface Matrix4fc
      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f perspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and P the perspective projection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * P. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * P * v, the perspective projection will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setPerspectiveLH.

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveLH().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setPerspectiveLH

      public Matrix4f setPerspectiveLH(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be a symmetric perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective projection transformation to an existing transformation, use perspectiveLH().

      fovy - the vertical field of view in radians (must be greater than zero and less than PI)
      aspect - the aspect ratio (i.e. width / height; must be greater than zero)
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • frustum

      public Matrix4f frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustum().


      Specified by:
      frustum in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • frustum

      public Matrix4f frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustum().


      Specified by:
      frustum in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • frustum

      public Matrix4f frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustum().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • frustum

      public Matrix4f frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustum().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setFrustum

      public Matrix4f setFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range.

      In order to apply the perspective frustum transformation to an existing transformation, use frustum().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setFrustum

      public Matrix4f setFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective frustum transformation to an existing transformation, use frustum().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • frustumLH

      public Matrix4f frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustumLH().


      Specified by:
      frustumLH in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • frustumLH

      public Matrix4f frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustumLH().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • frustumLH

      public Matrix4f frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustumLH().


      Specified by:
      frustumLH in interface Matrix4fc
      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • frustumLH

      public Matrix4f frustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Apply an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using the given NDC z range to this matrix.

      If M is this matrix and F the frustum matrix, then the new matrix will be M * F. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * F * v, the frustum transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a perspective frustum transformation without post-multiplying, use setFrustumLH().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setFrustumLH

      public Matrix4f setFrustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar, boolean zZeroToOne)
      Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective frustum transformation to an existing transformation, use frustumLH().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zZeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      See Also:
    • setFrustumLH

      public Matrix4f setFrustumLH(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
      Set this matrix to be an arbitrary perspective projection frustum transformation for a left-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].

      In order to apply the perspective frustum transformation to an existing transformation, use frustumLH().


      left - the distance along the x-axis to the left frustum edge
      right - the distance along the x-axis to the right frustum edge
      bottom - the distance along the y-axis to the bottom frustum edge
      top - the distance along the y-axis to the top frustum edge
      zNear - near clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zFar may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      zFar - far clipping plane distance. This value must be greater than zero. If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. In that case, zNear may not also be Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
      See Also:
    • setFromIntrinsic

      public Matrix4f setFromIntrinsic(float alphaX, float alphaY, float gamma, float u0, float v0, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, float near, float far)
      Set this matrix to represent a perspective projection equivalent to the given intrinsic camera calibration parameters. The resulting matrix will be suited for a right-handed coordinate system using OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1].



      alphaX - specifies the focal length and scale along the X axis
      alphaY - specifies the focal length and scale along the Y axis
      gamma - the skew coefficient between the X and Y axis (may be 0)
      u0 - the X coordinate of the principal point in image/sensor units
      v0 - the Y coordinate of the principal point in image/sensor units
      imgWidth - the width of the sensor/image image/sensor units
      imgHeight - the height of the sensor/image image/sensor units
      near - the distance to the near plane
      far - the distance to the far plane
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      Specified by:
      rotate in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(Quaternionfc quat)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      See Also:
    • rotateAffine

      public Matrix4f rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to be affine.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      Specified by:
      rotateAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateAffine

      public Matrix4f rotateAffine(Quaternionfc quat)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.

      This method assumes this to be affine.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      See Also:
    • rotateTranslation

      public Matrix4f rotateTranslation(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix, which is assumed to only contain a translation, and store the result in dest.

      This method assumes this to only contain a translation.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      Specified by:
      rotateTranslation in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateAround

      public Matrix4f rotateAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Apply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz).rotate(quat).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
    • rotateAroundAffine

      public Matrix4f rotateAroundAffine(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this affine matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      This method is only applicable if this is an affine matrix.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz, dest).rotate(quat).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)


      Specified by:
      rotateAroundAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateAround

      public Matrix4f rotateAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be M * Q. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * Q * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied first!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(ox, oy, oz, dest).rotate(quat).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)


      Specified by:
      rotateAround in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotationAround

      public Matrix4f rotationAround(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Set this matrix to a transformation composed of a rotation of the specified Quaternionfc while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(ox, oy, oz).rotate(quat).translate(-ox, -oy, -oz)


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
    • rotateLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat, Matrix4f dest)
      Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be Q * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using Q * M * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without pre-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      Specified by:
      rotateLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateLocal(Quaternionfc quat)
      Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be Q * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using Q * M * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied last!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without pre-multiplying, use rotation(Quaternionfc).


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      See Also:
    • rotateAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateAroundLocal(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Pre-multiply the rotation - and possibly scaling - transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin, and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be Q * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using Q * M * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translateLocal(-ox, -oy, -oz, dest).rotateLocal(quat).translateLocal(ox, oy, oz)


      Specified by:
      rotateAroundLocal in interface Matrix4fc
      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateAroundLocal

      public Matrix4f rotateAroundLocal(Quaternionfc quat, float ox, float oy, float oz)
      Pre-multiply the rotation transformation of the given Quaternionfc to this matrix while using (ox, oy, oz) as the rotation origin.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and Q the rotation matrix obtained from the given quaternion, then the new matrix will be Q * M. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using Q * M * v, the quaternion rotation will be applied last!

      This method is equivalent to calling: translateLocal(-ox, -oy, -oz).rotateLocal(quat).translateLocal(ox, oy, oz)


      quat - the Quaternionfc
      ox - the x coordinate of the rotation origin
      oy - the y coordinate of the rotation origin
      oz - the z coordinate of the rotation origin
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle)
      Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f, to this matrix.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and A the rotation matrix obtained from the given AxisAngle4f, then the new matrix will be M * A. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * A * v, the AxisAngle4f rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(AxisAngle4f).


      axisAngle - the AxisAngle4f (needs to be normalized)
      See Also:
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(AxisAngle4f axisAngle, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a rotation transformation, rotating about the given AxisAngle4f and store the result in dest.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and A the rotation matrix obtained from the given AxisAngle4f, then the new matrix will be M * A. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * A * v, the AxisAngle4f rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(AxisAngle4f).


      Specified by:
      rotate in interface Matrix4fc
      axisAngle - the AxisAngle4f (needs to be normalized)
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(float angle, Vector3fc axis)
      Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis, to this matrix.

      The axis described by the axis vector needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and A the rotation matrix obtained from the given axis-angle, then the new matrix will be M * A. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * A * v, the axis-angle rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(float, Vector3fc).


      angle - the angle in radians
      axis - the rotation axis (needs to be normalized)
      See Also:
    • rotate

      public Matrix4f rotate(float angle, Vector3fc axis, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a rotation transformation, rotating the given radians about the specified axis and store the result in dest.

      The axis described by the axis vector needs to be a unit vector.

      When used with a right-handed coordinate system, the produced rotation will rotate a vector counter-clockwise around the rotation axis, when viewing along the negative axis direction towards the origin. When used with a left-handed coordinate system, the rotation is clockwise.

      If M is this matrix and A the rotation matrix obtained from the given axis-angle, then the new matrix will be M * A. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * A * v, the axis-angle rotation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying, use rotation(float, Vector3fc).


      Specified by:
      rotate in interface Matrix4fc
      angle - the angle in radians
      axis - the rotation axis (needs to be normalized)
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • unproject

      public Vector4f unproject(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      The depth range of winZ is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInv() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unproject in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winZ - the z-coordinate, which is the depth value in [0..1]
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unproject

      public Vector3f unproject(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      The depth range of winZ is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInv() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unproject in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winZ - the z-coordinate, which is the depth value in [0..1]
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unproject

      public Vector4f unproject(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      The depth range of winCoords.z is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInv() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unproject in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unproject

      public Vector3f unproject(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      The depth range of winCoords.z is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInv() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unproject in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unprojectRay

      public Matrix4f unprojectRay(float winX, float winY, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInvRay() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unprojectRay in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      originDest - will hold the ray origin
      dirDest - will hold the (unnormalized) ray direction
      See Also:
    • unprojectRay

      public Matrix4f unprojectRay(Vector2fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given 2D window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.

      This method first converts the given window coordinates to normalized device coordinates in the range [-1..1] and then transforms those NDC coordinates by the inverse of this matrix.

      As a necessary computation step for unprojecting, this method computes the inverse of this matrix. In order to avoid computing the matrix inverse with every invocation, the inverse of this matrix can be built once outside using Matrix4fc.invert(Matrix4f) and then the method unprojectInvRay() can be invoked on it.

      Specified by:
      unprojectRay in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      originDest - will hold the ray origin
      dirDest - will hold the (unnormalized) ray direction
      See Also:
    • unprojectInv

      public Vector4f unprojectInv(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method differs from unproject() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      The depth range of winCoords.z is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      This method reads the four viewport parameters from the given int[].

      Specified by:
      unprojectInv in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unprojectInv

      public Vector4f unprojectInv(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method differs from unproject() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      The depth range of winZ is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      unprojectInv in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winZ - the z-coordinate, which is the depth value in [0..1]
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unprojectInvRay

      public Matrix4f unprojectInvRay(Vector2fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.

      This method differs from unprojectRay() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      Specified by:
      unprojectInvRay in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      originDest - will hold the ray origin
      dirDest - will hold the (unnormalized) ray direction
      See Also:
    • unprojectInvRay

      public Matrix4f unprojectInvRay(float winX, float winY, int[] viewport, Vector3f originDest, Vector3f dirDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given 2D window coordinates (winX, winY) by this matrix using the specified viewport and compute the origin and the direction of the resulting ray which starts at NDC z = -1.0 and goes through NDC z = +1.0.

      This method differs from unprojectRay() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      Specified by:
      unprojectInvRay in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      originDest - will hold the ray origin
      dirDest - will hold the (unnormalized) ray direction
      See Also:
    • unprojectInv

      public Vector3f unprojectInv(Vector3fc winCoords, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates winCoords by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method differs from unproject() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      The depth range of winCoords.z is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      unprojectInv in interface Matrix4fc
      winCoords - the window coordinates to unproject
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • unprojectInv

      public Vector3f unprojectInv(float winX, float winY, float winZ, int[] viewport, Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Unproject the given window coordinates (winX, winY, winZ) by this matrix using the specified viewport.

      This method differs from unproject() in that it assumes that this is already the inverse matrix of the original projection matrix. It exists to avoid recomputing the matrix inverse with every invocation.

      The depth range of winZ is assumed to be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      unprojectInv in interface Matrix4fc
      winX - the x-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winY - the y-coordinate in window coordinates (pixels)
      winZ - the z-coordinate, which is the depth value in [0..1]
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - will hold the unprojected position
      See Also:
    • project

      public Vector4f project(float x, float y, float z, int[] viewport, Vector4f winCoordsDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Project the given (x, y, z) position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.

      This method transforms the given coordinates by this matrix including perspective division to obtain normalized device coordinates, and then translates these into window coordinates by using the given viewport settings [x, y, width, height].

      The depth range of the returned winCoordsDest.z will be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      project in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x-coordinate of the position to project
      y - the y-coordinate of the position to project
      z - the z-coordinate of the position to project
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      winCoordsDest - will hold the projected window coordinates
    • project

      public Vector3f project(float x, float y, float z, int[] viewport, Vector3f winCoordsDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Project the given (x, y, z) position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.

      This method transforms the given coordinates by this matrix including perspective division to obtain normalized device coordinates, and then translates these into window coordinates by using the given viewport settings [x, y, width, height].

      The depth range of the returned winCoordsDest.z will be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      project in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x-coordinate of the position to project
      y - the y-coordinate of the position to project
      z - the z-coordinate of the position to project
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      winCoordsDest - will hold the projected window coordinates
    • project

      public Vector4f project(Vector3fc position, int[] viewport, Vector4f winCoordsDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.

      This method transforms the given coordinates by this matrix including perspective division to obtain normalized device coordinates, and then translates these into window coordinates by using the given viewport settings [x, y, width, height].

      The depth range of the returned winCoordsDest.z will be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      project in interface Matrix4fc
      position - the position to project into window coordinates
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      winCoordsDest - will hold the projected window coordinates
      See Also:
    • project

      public Vector3f project(Vector3fc position, int[] viewport, Vector3f winCoordsDest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Project the given position via this matrix using the specified viewport and store the resulting window coordinates in winCoordsDest.

      This method transforms the given coordinates by this matrix including perspective division to obtain normalized device coordinates, and then translates these into window coordinates by using the given viewport settings [x, y, width, height].

      The depth range of the returned winCoordsDest.z will be [0..1], which is also the OpenGL default.

      Specified by:
      project in interface Matrix4fc
      position - the position to project into window coordinates
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      winCoordsDest - will hold the projected window coordinates
      See Also:
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 and store the result in dest.

      The vector (a, b, c) must be a unit vector.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      reflect in interface Matrix4fc
      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
      dest - will hold the result
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.

      The vector (a, b, c) must be a unit vector.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!


      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz)
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      nx - the x-coordinate of the plane normal
      ny - the y-coordinate of the plane normal
      nz - the z-coordinate of the plane normal
      px - the x-coordinate of a point on the plane
      py - the y-coordinate of a point on the plane
      pz - the z-coordinate of a point on the plane
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      reflect in interface Matrix4fc
      nx - the x-coordinate of the plane normal
      ny - the y-coordinate of the plane normal
      nz - the z-coordinate of the plane normal
      px - the x-coordinate of a point on the plane
      py - the y-coordinate of a point on the plane
      pz - the z-coordinate of a point on the plane
      dest - will hold the result
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point)
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      normal - the plane normal
      point - a point on the plane
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point)
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.

      This method can be used to build a reflection transformation based on the orientation of a mirror object in the scene. It is assumed that the default mirror plane's normal is (0, 0, 1). So, if the given Quaternionfc is the identity (does not apply any additional rotation), the reflection plane will be z=0, offset by the given point.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      orientation - the plane orientation
      point - a point on the plane
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.

      This method can be used to build a reflection transformation based on the orientation of a mirror object in the scene. It is assumed that the default mirror plane's normal is (0, 0, 1). So, if the given Quaternionfc is the identity (does not apply any additional rotation), the reflection plane will be z=0, offset by the given point.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      reflect in interface Matrix4fc
      orientation - the plane orientation relative to an implied normal vector of (0, 0, 1)
      point - a point on the plane
      dest - will hold the result
    • reflect

      public Matrix4f reflect(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a mirror/reflection transformation to this matrix that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane, and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and R the reflection matrix, then the new matrix will be M * R. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * R * v, the reflection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      reflect in interface Matrix4fc
      normal - the plane normal
      point - a point on the plane
      dest - will hold the result
    • reflection

      public Matrix4f reflection(float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0.

      The vector (a, b, c) must be a unit vector.


      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
    • reflection

      public Matrix4f reflection(float nx, float ny, float nz, float px, float py, float pz)
      Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
      nx - the x-coordinate of the plane normal
      ny - the y-coordinate of the plane normal
      nz - the z-coordinate of the plane normal
      px - the x-coordinate of a point on the plane
      py - the y-coordinate of a point on the plane
      pz - the z-coordinate of a point on the plane
    • reflection

      public Matrix4f reflection(Vector3fc normal, Vector3fc point)
      Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about the given plane specified via the plane normal and a point on the plane.
      normal - the plane normal
      point - a point on the plane
    • reflection

      public Matrix4f reflection(Quaternionfc orientation, Vector3fc point)
      Set this matrix to a mirror/reflection transformation that reflects about a plane specified via the plane orientation and a point on the plane.

      This method can be used to build a reflection transformation based on the orientation of a mirror object in the scene. It is assumed that the default mirror plane's normal is (0, 0, 1). So, if the given Quaternionfc is the identity (does not apply any additional rotation), the reflection plane will be z=0, offset by the given point.

      orientation - the plane orientation
      point - a point on the plane
    • getRow

      public Vector4f getRow(int row, Vector4f dest) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
      Specified by:
      getRow in interface Matrix4fc
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      dest - will hold the row components
      the passed in destination
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if row is not in [0..3]
    • getRow

      public Vector3f getRow(int row, Vector3f dest) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the first three components of the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
      Specified by:
      getRow in interface Matrix4fc
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      dest - will hold the first three row components
      the passed in destination
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if row is not in [0..3]
    • setRow

      public Matrix4f setRow(int row, Vector4fc src) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Set the row at the given row index, starting with 0.
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      src - the row components to set
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if row is not in [0..3]
    • getColumn

      public Vector4f getColumn(int column, Vector4f dest) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
      Specified by:
      getColumn in interface Matrix4fc
      column - the column index in [0..3]
      dest - will hold the column components
      the passed in destination
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if column is not in [0..3]
    • getColumn

      public Vector3f getColumn(int column, Vector3f dest) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the first three components of the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
      Specified by:
      getColumn in interface Matrix4fc
      column - the column index in [0..3]
      dest - will hold the first three column components
      the passed in destination
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if column is not in [0..3]
    • setColumn

      public Matrix4f setColumn(int column, Vector4fc src) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Set the column at the given column index, starting with 0.
      column - the column index in [0..3]
      src - the column components to set
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if column is not in [0..3]
    • get

      public float get(int column, int row)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the matrix element value at the given column and row.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Matrix4fc
      column - the colum index in [0..3]
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      the element value
    • set

      public Matrix4f set(int column, int row, float value)
      Set the matrix element at the given column and row to the specified value.
      column - the colum index in [0..3]
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      value - the value
    • getRowColumn

      public float getRowColumn(int row, int column)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Get the matrix element value at the given row and column.
      Specified by:
      getRowColumn in interface Matrix4fc
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      column - the colum index in [0..3]
      the element value
    • setRowColumn

      public Matrix4f setRowColumn(int row, int column, float value)
      Set the matrix element at the given row and column to the specified value.
      row - the row index in [0..3]
      column - the colum index in [0..3]
      value - the value
    • normal

      public Matrix4f normal()
      Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this. All other values of this will be set to identity.

      The normal matrix of m is the transpose of the inverse of m.

      Please note that, if this is an orthogonal matrix or a matrix whose columns are orthogonal vectors, then this method need not be invoked, since in that case this itself is its normal matrix. In that case, use set3x3(Matrix4f) to set a given Matrix4f to only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.

      See Also:
    • normal

      public Matrix4f normal(Matrix4f dest)
      Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into the upper left 3x3 submatrix of dest. All other values of dest will be set to identity.

      The normal matrix of m is the transpose of the inverse of m.

      Please note that, if this is an orthogonal matrix or a matrix whose columns are orthogonal vectors, then this method need not be invoked, since in that case this itself is its normal matrix. In that case, use set3x3(Matrix4f) to set a given Matrix4f to only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.

      Specified by:
      normal in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • normal

      public Matrix3f normal(Matrix3f dest)
      Compute a normal matrix from the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.

      The normal matrix of m is the transpose of the inverse of m.

      Please note that, if this is an orthogonal matrix or a matrix whose columns are orthogonal vectors, then this method need not be invoked, since in that case this itself is its normal matrix. In that case, use Matrix3f.set(Matrix4fc) to set a given Matrix3f to only the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.

      Specified by:
      normal in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • cofactor3x3

      public Matrix4f cofactor3x3()
      Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this.

      The cofactor matrix can be used instead of normal() to transform normals when the orientation of the normals with respect to the surface should be preserved.

    • cofactor3x3

      public Matrix3f cofactor3x3(Matrix3f dest)
      Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest.

      The cofactor matrix can be used instead of normal(Matrix3f) to transform normals when the orientation of the normals with respect to the surface should be preserved.

      Specified by:
      cofactor3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • cofactor3x3

      public Matrix4f cofactor3x3(Matrix4f dest)
      Compute the cofactor matrix of the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store it into dest. All other values of dest will be set to identity.

      The cofactor matrix can be used instead of normal(Matrix4f) to transform normals when the orientation of the normals with respect to the surface should be preserved.

      Specified by:
      cofactor3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • normalize3x3

      public Matrix4f normalize3x3()
      Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix.

      The resulting matrix will map unit vectors to unit vectors, though a pair of orthogonal input unit vectors need not be mapped to a pair of orthogonal output vectors if the original matrix was not orthogonal itself (i.e. had skewing).

    • normalize3x3

      public Matrix4f normalize3x3(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The resulting matrix will map unit vectors to unit vectors, though a pair of orthogonal input unit vectors need not be mapped to a pair of orthogonal output vectors if the original matrix was not orthogonal itself (i.e. had skewing).

      Specified by:
      normalize3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • normalize3x3

      public Matrix3f normalize3x3(Matrix3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Normalize the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this matrix and store the result in dest.

      The resulting matrix will map unit vectors to unit vectors, though a pair of orthogonal input unit vectors need not be mapped to a pair of orthogonal output vectors if the original matrix was not orthogonal itself (i.e. had skewing).

      Specified by:
      normalize3x3 in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • frustumPlane

      public Vector4f frustumPlane(int plane, Vector4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Calculate a frustum plane of this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given planeEquation.

      Generally, this method computes the frustum plane in the local frame of any coordinate system that existed before this transformation was applied to it in order to yield homogeneous clipping space.

      The frustum plane will be given in the form of a general plane equation: a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0, where the given Vector4f components will hold the (a, b, c, d) values of the equation.

      The plane normal, which is (a, b, c), is directed "inwards" of the frustum. Any plane/point test using a*x + b*y + c*z + d therefore will yield a result greater than zero if the point is within the frustum (i.e. at the positive side of the frustum plane).

      For performing frustum culling, the class FrustumIntersection should be used instead of manually obtaining the frustum planes and testing them against points, spheres or axis-aligned boxes.

      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      frustumPlane in interface Matrix4fc
      plane - one of the six possible planes, given as numeric constants Matrix4fc.PLANE_NX, Matrix4fc.PLANE_PX, Matrix4fc.PLANE_NY, Matrix4fc.PLANE_PY, Matrix4fc.PLANE_NZ and Matrix4fc.PLANE_PZ
      dest - will hold the computed plane equation. The plane equation will be normalized, meaning that (a, b, c) will be a unit vector
    • frustumCorner

      public Vector3f frustumCorner(int corner, Vector3f point)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Compute the corner coordinates of the frustum defined by this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given point.

      Generally, this method computes the frustum corners in the local frame of any coordinate system that existed before this transformation was applied to it in order to yield homogeneous clipping space.


      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      frustumCorner in interface Matrix4fc
      corner - one of the eight possible corners, given as numeric constants Matrix4fc.CORNER_NXNYNZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_PXNYNZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_PXPYNZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_NXPYNZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_PXNYPZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_NXNYPZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_NXPYPZ, Matrix4fc.CORNER_PXPYPZ
      point - will hold the resulting corner point coordinates
    • perspectiveOrigin

      public Vector3f perspectiveOrigin(Vector3f origin)
      Compute the eye/origin of the perspective frustum transformation defined by this matrix, which can be a projection matrix or a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given origin.

      Note that this method will only work using perspective projections obtained via one of the perspective methods, such as perspective() or frustum().

      Generally, this method computes the origin in the local frame of any coordinate system that existed before this transformation was applied to it in order to yield homogeneous clipping space.

      This method is equivalent to calling: invert(new Matrix4f()).transformProject(0, 0, -1, 0, origin) and in the case of an already available inverse of this matrix, the method perspectiveInvOrigin(Vector3f) on the inverse of the matrix should be used instead.


      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      perspectiveOrigin in interface Matrix4fc
      origin - will hold the origin of the coordinate system before applying this perspective projection transformation
      See Also:
    • perspectiveInvOrigin

      public Vector3f perspectiveInvOrigin(Vector3f dest)
      Compute the eye/origin of the inverse of the perspective frustum transformation defined by this matrix, which can be the inverse of a projection matrix or the inverse of a combined modelview-projection matrix, and store the result in the given dest.

      Note that this method will only work using perspective projections obtained via one of the perspective methods, such as perspective() or frustum().

      If the inverse of the modelview-projection matrix is not available, then calling perspectiveOrigin(Vector3f) on the original modelview-projection matrix is preferred.

      Specified by:
      perspectiveInvOrigin in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • perspectiveFov

      public float perspectiveFov()
      Return the vertical field-of-view angle in radians of this perspective transformation matrix.

      Note that this method will only work using perspective projections obtained via one of the perspective methods, such as perspective() or frustum().

      For orthogonal transformations this method will return 0.0.

      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      perspectiveFov in interface Matrix4fc
      the vertical field-of-view angle in radians
    • perspectiveNear

      public float perspectiveNear()
      Extract the near clip plane distance from this perspective projection matrix.

      This method only works if this is a perspective projection matrix, for example obtained via perspective(float, float, float, float).

      Specified by:
      perspectiveNear in interface Matrix4fc
      the near clip plane distance
    • perspectiveFar

      public float perspectiveFar()
      Extract the far clip plane distance from this perspective projection matrix.

      This method only works if this is a perspective projection matrix, for example obtained via perspective(float, float, float, float).

      Specified by:
      perspectiveFar in interface Matrix4fc
      the far clip plane distance
    • frustumRayDir

      public Vector3f frustumRayDir(float x, float y, Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of a ray starting at the center of the coordinate system and going through the near frustum plane.

      This method computes the dir vector in the local frame of any coordinate system that existed before this transformation was applied to it in order to yield homogeneous clipping space.

      The parameters x and y are used to interpolate the generated ray direction from the bottom-left to the top-right frustum corners.

      For optimal efficiency when building many ray directions over the whole frustum, it is recommended to use this method only in order to compute the four corner rays at (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 1) and then bilinearly interpolating between them; or to use the FrustumRayBuilder.

      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      frustumRayDir in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the interpolation factor along the left-to-right frustum planes, within [0..1]
      y - the interpolation factor along the bottom-to-top frustum planes, within [0..1]
      dir - will hold the normalized ray direction in the local frame of the coordinate system before transforming to homogeneous clipping space using this matrix
    • positiveZ

      public Vector3f positiveZ(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +Z before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +Z by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).invert();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(0, 0, 1)).normalize();
      If this is already an orthogonal matrix, then consider using Matrix4fc.normalizedPositiveZ(Vector3f) instead.


      Specified by:
      positiveZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +Z
    • normalizedPositiveZ

      public Vector3f normalizedPositiveZ(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +Z before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied. This method only produces correct results if this is an orthogonal matrix.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +Z by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).transpose();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(0, 0, 1));


      Specified by:
      normalizedPositiveZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +Z
    • positiveX

      public Vector3f positiveX(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +X before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +X by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).invert();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(1, 0, 0)).normalize();
      If this is already an orthogonal matrix, then consider using Matrix4fc.normalizedPositiveX(Vector3f) instead.


      Specified by:
      positiveX in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +X
    • normalizedPositiveX

      public Vector3f normalizedPositiveX(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +X before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied. This method only produces correct results if this is an orthogonal matrix.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +X by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).transpose();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(1, 0, 0));


      Specified by:
      normalizedPositiveX in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +X
    • positiveY

      public Vector3f positiveY(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +Y before the transformation represented by this matrix is applied.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +Y by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).invert();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(0, 1, 0)).normalize();
      If this is already an orthogonal matrix, then consider using Matrix4fc.normalizedPositiveY(Vector3f) instead.


      Specified by:
      positiveY in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +Y
    • normalizedPositiveY

      public Vector3f normalizedPositiveY(Vector3f dir)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the direction of +Y before the transformation represented by this orthogonal matrix is applied. This method only produces correct results if this is an orthogonal matrix.

      This method uses the rotation component of the upper left 3x3 submatrix to obtain the direction that is transformed to +Y by this matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).transpose();
       inv.transformDirection(dir.set(0, 1, 0));


      Specified by:
      normalizedPositiveY in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - will hold the direction of +Y
    • originAffine

      public Vector3f originAffine(Vector3f origin)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the position that gets transformed to the origin by this affine matrix. This can be used to get the position of the "camera" from a given view transformation matrix.

      This method only works with affine matrices.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).invertAffine();
       inv.transformPosition(origin.set(0, 0, 0));
      Specified by:
      originAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      origin - will hold the position transformed to the origin
    • origin

      public Vector3f origin(Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Obtain the position that gets transformed to the origin by this matrix. This can be used to get the position of the "camera" from a given view/projection transformation matrix.

      This method is equivalent to the following code:

       Matrix4f inv = new Matrix4f(this).invert();
       inv.transformPosition(origin.set(0, 0, 0));
      Specified by:
      origin in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the position transformed to the origin
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(Vector4f light, float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.

      If light.w is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!


      light - the light's vector
      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(Vector4f light, float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.

      If light.w is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      shadow in interface Matrix4fc
      light - the light's vector
      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
      dest - will hold the result
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).

      If lightW is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!


      lightX - the x-component of the light's vector
      lightY - the y-component of the light's vector
      lightZ - the z-component of the light's vector
      lightW - the w-component of the light's vector
      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, float a, float b, float c, float d, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane specified via the general plane equation x*a + y*b + z*c + d = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.

      If lightW is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!


      Specified by:
      shadow in interface Matrix4fc
      lightX - the x-component of the light's vector
      lightY - the y-component of the light's vector
      lightZ - the z-component of the light's vector
      lightW - the w-component of the light's vector
      a - the x factor in the plane equation
      b - the y factor in the plane equation
      c - the z factor in the plane equation
      d - the constant in the plane equation
      dest - will hold the result
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(Vector4f light, Matrix4fc planeTransform, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light and store the result in dest.

      Before the shadow projection is applied, the plane is transformed via the specified planeTransformation.

      If light.w is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      shadow in interface Matrix4fc
      light - the light's vector
      planeTransform - the transformation to transform the implied plane y = 0 before applying the projection
      dest - will hold the result
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(Vector4f light, Matrix4f planeTransform)
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction light.

      Before the shadow projection is applied, the plane is transformed via the specified planeTransformation.

      If light.w is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!

      light - the light's vector
      planeTransform - the transformation to transform the implied plane y = 0 before applying the projection
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, Matrix4fc planeTransform, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW) and store the result in dest.

      Before the shadow projection is applied, the plane is transformed via the specified planeTransformation.

      If lightW is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!

      Specified by:
      shadow in interface Matrix4fc
      lightX - the x-component of the light vector
      lightY - the y-component of the light vector
      lightZ - the z-component of the light vector
      lightW - the w-component of the light vector
      planeTransform - the transformation to transform the implied plane y = 0 before applying the projection
      dest - will hold the result
    • shadow

      public Matrix4f shadow(float lightX, float lightY, float lightZ, float lightW, Matrix4f planeTransform)
      Apply a projection transformation to this matrix that projects onto the plane with the general plane equation y = 0 as if casting a shadow from a given light position/direction (lightX, lightY, lightZ, lightW).

      Before the shadow projection is applied, the plane is transformed via the specified planeTransformation.

      If lightW is 0.0 the light is being treated as a directional light; if it is 1.0 it is a point light.

      If M is this matrix and S the shadow matrix, then the new matrix will be M * S. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * S * v, the shadow projection will be applied first!

      lightX - the x-component of the light vector
      lightY - the y-component of the light vector
      lightZ - the z-component of the light vector
      lightW - the w-component of the light vector
      planeTransform - the transformation to transform the implied plane y = 0 before applying the projection
    • billboardCylindrical

      public Matrix4f billboardCylindrical(Vector3fc objPos, Vector3fc targetPos, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to a cylindrical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos while constraining a cylindrical rotation around the given up vector.

      This method can be used to create the complete model transformation for a given object, including the translation of the object to its position objPos.

      objPos - the position of the object to rotate towards targetPos
      targetPos - the position of the target (for example the camera) towards which to rotate the object
      up - the rotation axis (must be normalized)
    • billboardSpherical

      public Matrix4f billboardSpherical(Vector3fc objPos, Vector3fc targetPos, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos.

      This method can be used to create the complete model transformation for a given object, including the translation of the object to its position objPos.

      If preserving an up vector is not necessary when rotating the +Z axis, then a shortest arc rotation can be obtained using billboardSpherical(Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      objPos - the position of the object to rotate towards targetPos
      targetPos - the position of the target (for example the camera) towards which to rotate the object
      up - the up axis used to orient the object
      See Also:
    • billboardSpherical

      public Matrix4f billboardSpherical(Vector3fc objPos, Vector3fc targetPos)
      Set this matrix to a spherical billboard transformation that rotates the local +Z axis of a given object with position objPos towards a target position at targetPos using a shortest arc rotation by not preserving any up vector of the object.

      This method can be used to create the complete model transformation for a given object, including the translation of the object to its position objPos.

      In order to specify an up vector which needs to be maintained when rotating the +Z axis of the object, use billboardSpherical(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc).

      objPos - the position of the object to rotate towards targetPos
      targetPos - the position of the target (for example the camera) towards which to rotate the object
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Matrix4fc m, float delta)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Compare the matrix elements of this matrix with the given matrix using the given delta and return whether all of them are equal within a maximum difference of delta.

      Please note that this method is not used by any data structure such as ArrayList HashSet or HashMap and their operations, such as ArrayList.contains(Object) or HashSet.remove(Object), since those data structures only use the Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() methods.

      Specified by:
      equals in interface Matrix4fc
      m - the other matrix
      delta - the allowed maximum difference
      true whether all of the matrix elements are equal; false otherwise
    • pick

      public Matrix4f pick(float x, float y, float width, float height, int[] viewport, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates, and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      pick in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x coordinate of the picking region center in window coordinates
      y - the y coordinate of the picking region center in window coordinates
      width - the width of the picking region in window coordinates
      height - the height of the picking region in window coordinates
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
      dest - the destination matrix, which will hold the result
    • pick

      public Matrix4f pick(float x, float y, float width, float height, int[] viewport)
      Apply a picking transformation to this matrix using the given window coordinates (x, y) as the pick center and the given (width, height) as the size of the picking region in window coordinates.
      x - the x coordinate of the picking region center in window coordinates
      y - the y coordinate of the picking region center in window coordinates
      width - the width of the picking region in window coordinates
      height - the height of the picking region in window coordinates
      viewport - the viewport described by [x, y, width, height]
    • isAffine

      public boolean isAffine()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Determine whether this matrix describes an affine transformation. This is the case iff its last row is equal to (0, 0, 0, 1).
      Specified by:
      isAffine in interface Matrix4fc
      true iff this matrix is affine; false otherwise
    • swap

      public Matrix4f swap(Matrix4f other)
      Exchange the values of this matrix with the given other matrix.
      other - the other matrix to exchange the values with
    • arcball

      public Matrix4f arcball(float radius, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float angleX, float angleY, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(0, 0, -radius, dest).rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).translate(-centerX, -centerY, -centerZ)

      Specified by:
      arcball in interface Matrix4fc
      radius - the arcball radius
      centerX - the x coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      centerY - the y coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      centerZ - the z coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      angleX - the rotation angle around the X axis in radians
      angleY - the rotation angle around the Y axis in radians
      dest - will hold the result
    • arcball

      public Matrix4f arcball(float radius, Vector3fc center, float angleX, float angleY, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles, and store the result in dest.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(0, 0, -radius).rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).translate(-center.x, -center.y, -center.z)

      Specified by:
      arcball in interface Matrix4fc
      radius - the arcball radius
      center - the center position of the arcball
      angleX - the rotation angle around the X axis in radians
      angleY - the rotation angle around the Y axis in radians
      dest - will hold the result
    • arcball

      public Matrix4f arcball(float radius, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float angleX, float angleY)
      Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center (centerX, centerY, centerZ) position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(0, 0, -radius).rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).translate(-centerX, -centerY, -centerZ)

      radius - the arcball radius
      centerX - the x coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      centerY - the y coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      centerZ - the z coordinate of the center position of the arcball
      angleX - the rotation angle around the X axis in radians
      angleY - the rotation angle around the Y axis in radians
    • arcball

      public Matrix4f arcball(float radius, Vector3fc center, float angleX, float angleY)
      Apply an arcball view transformation to this matrix with the given radius and center position of the arcball and the specified X and Y rotation angles.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translate(0, 0, -radius).rotateX(angleX).rotateY(angleY).translate(-center.x, -center.y, -center.z)

      radius - the arcball radius
      center - the center position of the arcball
      angleX - the rotation angle around the X axis in radians
      angleY - the rotation angle around the Y axis in radians
    • frustumAabb

      public Matrix4f frustumAabb(Vector3f min, Vector3f max)
      Compute the axis-aligned bounding box of the frustum described by this matrix and store the minimum corner coordinates in the given min and the maximum corner coordinates in the given max vector.

      The matrix this is assumed to be the inverse of the origial view-projection matrix for which to compute the axis-aligned bounding box in world-space.

      The axis-aligned bounding box of the unit frustum is (-1, -1, -1), (1, 1, 1).

      Specified by:
      frustumAabb in interface Matrix4fc
      min - will hold the minimum corner coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box
      max - will hold the maximum corner coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box
    • projectedGridRange

      public Matrix4f projectedGridRange(Matrix4fc projector, float sLower, float sUpper, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Compute the range matrix for the Projected Grid transformation as described in chapter "2.4.2 Creating the range conversion matrix" of the paper Real-time water rendering - Introducing the projected grid concept based on the inverse of the view-projection matrix which is assumed to be this, and store that range matrix into dest.

      If the projected grid will not be visible then this method returns null.

      This method uses the y = 0 plane for the projection.

      Specified by:
      projectedGridRange in interface Matrix4fc
      projector - the projector view-projection transformation
      sLower - the lower (smallest) Y-coordinate which any transformed vertex might have while still being visible on the projected grid
      sUpper - the upper (highest) Y-coordinate which any transformed vertex might have while still being visible on the projected grid
      dest - will hold the resulting range matrix
      the computed range matrix; or null if the projected grid will not be visible
    • perspectiveFrustumSlice

      public Matrix4f perspectiveFrustumSlice(float near, float far, Matrix4f dest)
      Change the near and far clip plane distances of this perspective frustum transformation matrix and store the result in dest.

      This method only works if this is a perspective projection frustum transformation, for example obtained via perspective() or frustum().

      Specified by:
      perspectiveFrustumSlice in interface Matrix4fc
      near - the new near clip plane distance
      far - the new far clip plane distance
      dest - will hold the resulting matrix
      See Also:
    • orthoCrop

      public Matrix4f orthoCrop(Matrix4fc view, Matrix4f dest)
      Build an ortographic projection transformation that fits the view-projection transformation represented by this into the given affine view transformation.

      The transformation represented by this must be given as the inverse of a typical combined camera view-projection transformation, whose projection can be either orthographic or perspective.

      The view must be an affine transformation which in the application of Cascaded Shadow Maps is usually the light view transformation. It be obtained via any affine transformation or for example via lookAt().

      Reference: OpenGL SDK - Cascaded Shadow Maps

      Specified by:
      orthoCrop in interface Matrix4fc
      view - the view transformation to build a corresponding orthographic projection to fit the frustum of this
      dest - will hold the crop projection transformation
    • trapezoidCrop

      public Matrix4f trapezoidCrop(float p0x, float p0y, float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float p3x, float p3y)
      Set this matrix to a perspective transformation that maps the trapezoid spanned by the four corner coordinates (p0x, p0y), (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y) and (p3x, p3y) to the unit square [(-1, -1)..(+1, +1)].

      The corner coordinates are given in counter-clockwise order starting from the left corner on the smaller parallel side of the trapezoid seen when looking at the trapezoid oriented with its shorter parallel edge at the bottom and its longer parallel edge at the top.

      Reference: Trapezoidal Shadow Maps (TSM) - Recipe

      p0x - the x coordinate of the left corner at the shorter edge of the trapezoid
      p0y - the y coordinate of the left corner at the shorter edge of the trapezoid
      p1x - the x coordinate of the right corner at the shorter edge of the trapezoid
      p1y - the y coordinate of the right corner at the shorter edge of the trapezoid
      p2x - the x coordinate of the right corner at the longer edge of the trapezoid
      p2y - the y coordinate of the right corner at the longer edge of the trapezoid
      p3x - the x coordinate of the left corner at the longer edge of the trapezoid
      p3y - the y coordinate of the left corner at the longer edge of the trapezoid
    • transformAab

      public Matrix4f transformAab(float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ, Vector3f outMin, Vector3f outMax)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner (minX, minY, minZ) and maximum corner (maxX, maxY, maxZ) by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.


      Specified by:
      transformAab in interface Matrix4fc
      minX - the x coordinate of the minimum corner of the axis-aligned box
      minY - the y coordinate of the minimum corner of the axis-aligned box
      minZ - the z coordinate of the minimum corner of the axis-aligned box
      maxX - the x coordinate of the maximum corner of the axis-aligned box
      maxY - the y coordinate of the maximum corner of the axis-aligned box
      maxZ - the y coordinate of the maximum corner of the axis-aligned box
      outMin - will hold the minimum corner of the resulting axis-aligned box
      outMax - will hold the maximum corner of the resulting axis-aligned box
    • transformAab

      public Matrix4f transformAab(Vector3fc min, Vector3fc max, Vector3f outMin, Vector3f outMax)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Transform the axis-aligned box given as the minimum corner min and maximum corner max by this affine matrix and compute the axis-aligned box of the result whose minimum corner is stored in outMin and maximum corner stored in outMax.
      Specified by:
      transformAab in interface Matrix4fc
      min - the minimum corner of the axis-aligned box
      max - the maximum corner of the axis-aligned box
      outMin - will hold the minimum corner of the resulting axis-aligned box
      outMax - will hold the maximum corner of the resulting axis-aligned box
    • lerp

      public Matrix4f lerp(Matrix4fc other, float t)
      Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in this.

      If t is 0.0 then the result is this. If the interpolation factor is 1.0 then the result is other.

      other - the other matrix
      t - the interpolation factor between 0.0 and 1.0
    • lerp

      public Matrix4f lerp(Matrix4fc other, float t, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Linearly interpolate this and other using the given interpolation factor t and store the result in dest.

      If t is 0.0 then the result is this. If the interpolation factor is 1.0 then the result is other.

      Specified by:
      lerp in interface Matrix4fc
      other - the other matrix
      t - the interpolation factor between 0.0 and 1.0
      dest - will hold the result
    • rotateTowards

      public Matrix4f rotateTowards(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it, use rotationTowards().

      This method is equivalent to calling: mulAffine(new Matrix4f().lookAt(new Vector3f(), new Vector3f(dir).negate(), up).invertAffine(), dest)

      Specified by:
      rotateTowards in interface Matrix4fc
      dir - the direction to rotate towards
      up - the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotateTowards

      public Matrix4f rotateTowards(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up)
      Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with dir.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it, use rotationTowards().

      This method is equivalent to calling: mulAffine(new Matrix4f().lookAt(new Vector3f(), new Vector3f(dir).negate(), up).invertAffine())

      dir - the direction to orient towards
      up - the up vector
      See Also:
    • rotateTowards

      public Matrix4f rotateTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it, use rotationTowards().

      This method is equivalent to calling: mulAffine(new Matrix4f().lookAt(0, 0, 0, -dirX, -dirY, -dirZ, upX, upY, upZ).invertAffine())

      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • rotateTowards

      public Matrix4f rotateTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply a model transformation to this matrix for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local +Z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ) and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and L the lookat matrix, then the new matrix will be M * L. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * L * v, the lookat transformation will be applied first!

      In order to set the matrix to a rotation transformation without post-multiplying it, use rotationTowards().

      This method is equivalent to calling: mulAffine(new Matrix4f().lookAt(0, 0, 0, -dirX, -dirY, -dirZ, upX, upY, upZ).invertAffine(), dest)

      Specified by:
      rotateTowards in interface Matrix4fc
      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
      See Also:
    • rotationTowards

      public Matrix4f rotationTowards(Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with dir.

      In order to apply the rotation transformation to a previous existing transformation, use rotateTowards.

      This method is equivalent to calling: setLookAt(new Vector3f(), new Vector3f(dir).negate(), up).invertAffine()

      dir - the direction to orient the local -z axis towards
      up - the up vector
      See Also:
    • rotationTowards

      public Matrix4f rotationTowards(float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that aligns the local -z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).

      In order to apply the rotation transformation to a previous existing transformation, use rotateTowards.

      This method is equivalent to calling: setLookAt(0, 0, 0, -dirX, -dirY, -dirZ, upX, upY, upZ).invertAffine()

      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • translationRotateTowards

      public Matrix4f translationRotateTowards(Vector3fc pos, Vector3fc dir, Vector3fc up)
      Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given pos and aligns the local -z axis with dir.

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(pos).rotateTowards(dir, up)

      pos - the position to translate to
      dir - the direction to rotate towards
      up - the up vector
      See Also:
    • translationRotateTowards

      public Matrix4f translationRotateTowards(float posX, float posY, float posZ, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Set this matrix to a model transformation for a right-handed coordinate system, that translates to the given (posX, posY, posZ) and aligns the local -z axis with (dirX, dirY, dirZ).

      This method is equivalent to calling: translation(posX, posY, posZ).rotateTowards(dirX, dirY, dirZ, upX, upY, upZ)

      posX - the x-coordinate of the position to translate to
      posY - the y-coordinate of the position to translate to
      posZ - the z-coordinate of the position to translate to
      dirX - the x-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirY - the y-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      dirZ - the z-coordinate of the direction to rotate towards
      upX - the x-coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y-coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z-coordinate of the up vector
      See Also:
    • getEulerAnglesZYX

      public Vector3f getEulerAnglesZYX(Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Extract the Euler angles from the rotation represented by the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store the extracted Euler angles in dest.

      This method assumes that the upper left of this only represents a rotation without scaling.

      The Euler angles are always returned as the angle around X in the Vector3f.x field, the angle around Y in the Vector3f.y field and the angle around Z in the Vector3f.z field of the supplied Vector3f instance.

      Note that the returned Euler angles must be applied in the order Z * Y * X to obtain the identical matrix. This means that calling Matrix4fc.rotateZYX(float, float, float, Matrix4f) using the obtained Euler angles will yield the same rotation as the original matrix from which the Euler angles were obtained, so in the below code the matrix m2 should be identical to m (disregarding possible floating-point inaccuracies).

       Matrix4f m = ...; // <- matrix only representing rotation
       Matrix4f n = new Matrix4f();
       n.rotateZYX(m.getEulerAnglesZYX(new Vector3f()));


      Specified by:
      getEulerAnglesZYX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the extracted Euler angles
    • getEulerAnglesXYZ

      public Vector3f getEulerAnglesXYZ(Vector3f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Extract the Euler angles from the rotation represented by the upper left 3x3 submatrix of this and store the extracted Euler angles in dest.

      This method assumes that the upper left of this only represents a rotation without scaling.

      The Euler angles are always returned as the angle around X in the Vector3f.x field, the angle around Y in the Vector3f.y field and the angle around Z in the Vector3f.z field of the supplied Vector3f instance.

      Note that the returned Euler angles must be applied in the order X * Y * Z to obtain the identical matrix. This means that calling Matrix4fc.rotateXYZ(float, float, float, Matrix4f) using the obtained Euler angles will yield the same rotation as the original matrix from which the Euler angles were obtained, so in the below code the matrix m2 should be identical to m (disregarding possible floating-point inaccuracies).

       Matrix4f m = ...; // <- matrix only representing rotation
       Matrix4f n = new Matrix4f();
       n.rotateXYZ(m.getEulerAnglesXYZ(new Vector3f()));


      Specified by:
      getEulerAnglesXYZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the extracted Euler angles
    • affineSpan

      public Matrix4f affineSpan(Vector3f corner, Vector3f xDir, Vector3f yDir, Vector3f zDir)
      Compute the extents of the coordinate system before this affine transformation was applied and store the resulting corner coordinates in corner and the span vectors in xDir, yDir and zDir.

      That means, given the maximum extents of the coordinate system between [-1..+1] in all dimensions, this method returns one corner and the length and direction of the three base axis vectors in the coordinate system before this transformation is applied, which transforms into the corner coordinates [-1, +1].

      This method is equivalent to computing at least three adjacent corners using frustumCorner(int, Vector3f) and subtracting them to obtain the length and direction of the span vectors.

      corner - will hold one corner of the span (usually the corner Matrix4fc.CORNER_NXNYNZ)
      xDir - will hold the direction and length of the span along the positive X axis
      yDir - will hold the direction and length of the span along the positive Y axis
      zDir - will hold the direction and length of the span along the positive z axis
    • testPoint

      public boolean testPoint(float x, float y, float z)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Test whether the given point (x, y, z) is within the frustum defined by this matrix.

      This method assumes this matrix to be a transformation from any arbitrary coordinate system/space M into standard OpenGL clip space and tests whether the given point with the coordinates (x, y, z) given in space M is within the clip space.

      When testing multiple points using the same transformation matrix, FrustumIntersection should be used instead.

      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      testPoint in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x-coordinate of the point
      y - the y-coordinate of the point
      z - the z-coordinate of the point
      true if the given point is inside the frustum; false otherwise
    • testSphere

      public boolean testSphere(float x, float y, float z, float r)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Test whether the given sphere is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by this matrix.

      This method assumes this matrix to be a transformation from any arbitrary coordinate system/space M into standard OpenGL clip space and tests whether the given sphere with the coordinates (x, y, z) given in space M is within the clip space.

      When testing multiple spheres using the same transformation matrix, or more sophisticated/optimized intersection algorithms are required, FrustumIntersection should be used instead.

      The algorithm implemented by this method is conservative. This means that in certain circumstances a false positive can occur, when the method returns true for spheres that are actually not visible. See for an examination of this problem.

      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      testSphere in interface Matrix4fc
      x - the x-coordinate of the sphere's center
      y - the y-coordinate of the sphere's center
      z - the z-coordinate of the sphere's center
      r - the sphere's radius
      true if the given sphere is partly or completely inside the frustum; false otherwise
    • testAab

      public boolean testAab(float minX, float minY, float minZ, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Test whether the given axis-aligned box is partly or completely within or outside of the frustum defined by this matrix. The box is specified via its min and max corner coordinates.

      This method assumes this matrix to be a transformation from any arbitrary coordinate system/space M into standard OpenGL clip space and tests whether the given axis-aligned box with its minimum corner coordinates (minX, minY, minZ) and maximum corner coordinates (maxX, maxY, maxZ) given in space M is within the clip space.

      When testing multiple axis-aligned boxes using the same transformation matrix, or more sophisticated/optimized intersection algorithms are required, FrustumIntersection should be used instead.

      The algorithm implemented by this method is conservative. This means that in certain circumstances a false positive can occur, when the method returns -1 for boxes that are actually not visible/do not intersect the frustum. See for an examination of this problem.

      Reference: Efficient View Frustum Culling
      Reference: Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the World-View-Projection Matrix

      Specified by:
      testAab in interface Matrix4fc
      minX - the x-coordinate of the minimum corner
      minY - the y-coordinate of the minimum corner
      minZ - the z-coordinate of the minimum corner
      maxX - the x-coordinate of the maximum corner
      maxY - the y-coordinate of the maximum corner
      maxZ - the z-coordinate of the maximum corner
      true if the axis-aligned box is completely or partly inside of the frustum; false otherwise
    • obliqueZ

      public Matrix4f obliqueZ(float a, float b)
      Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b.

      If M is this matrix and O the oblique transformation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the oblique transformation will be applied first!

      The oblique transformation is defined as:

       x' = x + a*z
       y' = y + a*z
       z' = z
      or in matrix form:
       1 0 a 0
       0 1 b 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 0 0 1
      a - the value for the z factor that applies to x
      b - the value for the z factor that applies to y
    • obliqueZ

      public Matrix4f obliqueZ(float a, float b, Matrix4f dest)
      Apply an oblique projection transformation to this matrix with the given values for a and b and store the result in dest.

      If M is this matrix and O the oblique transformation matrix, then the new matrix will be M * O. So when transforming a vector v with the new matrix by using M * O * v, the oblique transformation will be applied first!

      The oblique transformation is defined as:

       x' = x + a*z
       y' = y + a*z
       z' = z
      or in matrix form:
       1 0 a 0
       0 1 b 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 0 0 1
      Specified by:
      obliqueZ in interface Matrix4fc
      a - the value for the z factor that applies to x
      b - the value for the z factor that applies to y
      dest - will hold the result
    • perspectiveOffCenterViewFromRectangle

      public static void perspectiveOffCenterViewFromRectangle(Vector3f eye, Vector3f p, Vector3f x, Vector3f y, float nearFarDist, boolean zeroToOne, Matrix4f projDest, Matrix4f viewDest)
      Create a view and off-center perspective projection matrix from a given eye position, a given bottom left corner position p of the near plane rectangle and the extents of the near plane rectangle along its local x and y axes, and store the resulting matrices in projDest and viewDest.

      This method creates a view and perspective projection matrix assuming that there is a pinhole camera at position eye projecting the scene onto the near plane defined by the rectangle.

      All positions and lengths are in the same (world) unit.

      eye - the position of the camera
      p - the bottom left corner of the near plane rectangle (will map to the bottom left corner in window coordinates)
      x - the direction and length of the local "bottom/top" X axis/side of the near plane rectangle
      y - the direction and length of the local "left/right" Y axis/side of the near plane rectangle
      nearFarDist - the distance between the far and near plane (the near plane will be calculated by this method). If the special value Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used, the far clipping plane will be at positive infinity. If the special value Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is used, the near and far planes will be swapped and the near clipping plane will be at positive infinity. If a negative value is used (except for Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) the near and far planes will be swapped
      zeroToOne - whether to use Vulkan's and Direct3D's NDC z range of [0..+1] when true or whether to use OpenGL's NDC z range of [-1..+1] when false
      projDest - will hold the resulting off-center perspective projection matrix
      viewDest - will hold the resulting view matrix
    • withLookAtUp

      public Matrix4f withLookAtUp(Vector3fc up)
      Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector up.

      This effectively ensures that the resulting matrix will be equal to the one obtained from setLookAt(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) called with the current local origin of this matrix (as obtained by originAffine(Vector3f)), the sum of this position and the negated local Z axis as well as the given vector up.

      This method must only be called on isAffine() matrices.

      up - the up vector
    • withLookAtUp

      public Matrix4f withLookAtUp(Vector3fc up, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector up, and store the result in dest.

      This effectively ensures that the resulting matrix will be equal to the one obtained from calling setLookAt(Vector3fc, Vector3fc, Vector3fc) with the current local origin of this matrix (as obtained by Matrix4fc.originAffine(Vector3f)), the sum of this position and the negated local Z axis as well as the given vector up.

      This method must only be called on Matrix4fc.isAffine() matrices.

      Specified by:
      withLookAtUp in interface Matrix4fc
      up - the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
    • withLookAtUp

      public Matrix4f withLookAtUp(float upX, float upY, float upZ)
      Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ).

      This effectively ensures that the resulting matrix will be equal to the one obtained from setLookAt(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) called with the current local origin of this matrix (as obtained by originAffine(Vector3f)), the sum of this position and the negated local Z axis as well as the given vector (upX, upY, upZ).

      This method must only be called on isAffine() matrices.

      upX - the x coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z coordinate of the up vector
    • withLookAtUp

      public Matrix4f withLookAtUp(float upX, float upY, float upZ, Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Apply a transformation to this matrix to ensure that the local Y axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveY(Vector3f)) will be coplanar to the plane spanned by the local Z axis (as obtained by Matrix4fc.positiveZ(Vector3f)) and the given vector (upX, upY, upZ), and store the result in dest.

      This effectively ensures that the resulting matrix will be equal to the one obtained from calling setLookAt(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) called with the current local origin of this matrix (as obtained by Matrix4fc.originAffine(Vector3f)), the sum of this position and the negated local Z axis as well as the given vector (upX, upY, upZ).

      This method must only be called on Matrix4fc.isAffine() matrices.

      Specified by:
      withLookAtUp in interface Matrix4fc
      upX - the x coordinate of the up vector
      upY - the y coordinate of the up vector
      upZ - the z coordinate of the up vector
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapXZY

      public Matrix4f mapXZY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 0 1
    • mapXZY

      public Matrix4f mapXZY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapXZY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapXZnY

      public Matrix4f mapXZnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0  0 1
    • mapXZnY

      public Matrix4f mapXZnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapXZnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapXnYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapXnYnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0  0 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapXnYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapXnYnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0  0 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapXnYnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapXnZY

      public Matrix4f mapXnZY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 0 1
    • mapXnZY

      public Matrix4f mapXnZY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapXnZY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapXnZnY

      public Matrix4f mapXnZnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapXnZnY

      public Matrix4f mapXnZnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapXnZnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYXZ

      public Matrix4f mapYXZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1 0 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 0 0 1
    • mapYXZ

      public Matrix4f mapYXZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1 0 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapYXnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1  0 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 0  0 1
    • mapYXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapYXnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1  0 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYXnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYZX

      public Matrix4f mapYZX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 1 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 0 1
    • mapYZX

      public Matrix4f mapYZX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 1 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYZX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYZnX

      public Matrix4f mapYZnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 -1 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0  0 1
    • mapYZnX

      public Matrix4f mapYZnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 -1 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYZnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYnXZ

      public Matrix4f mapYnXZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1 0 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0  0 0 1
    • mapYnXZ

      public Matrix4f mapYnXZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1 0 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYnXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYnXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapYnXnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1  0 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapYnXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapYnXnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1  0 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYnXnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYnZX

      public Matrix4f mapYnZX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 1 0
       1  0 0 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 0 1
    • mapYnZX

      public Matrix4f mapYnZX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 1 0
       1  0 0 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYnZX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapYnZnX

      public Matrix4f mapYnZnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 -1 0
       1  0  0 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapYnZnX

      public Matrix4f mapYnZnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 -1 0
       1  0  0 0
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapYnZnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZXY

      public Matrix4f mapZXY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 0 1
    • mapZXY

      public Matrix4f mapZXY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1 0 0
       0 0 1 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZXY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZXnY

      public Matrix4f mapZXnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0  0 1
    • mapZXnY

      public Matrix4f mapZXnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 1  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZXnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZYX

      public Matrix4f mapZYX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 1 0
       0 1 0 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 0 1
    • mapZYX

      public Matrix4f mapZYX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 1 0
       0 1 0 0
       1 0 0 0
       0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZYX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZYnX

      public Matrix4f mapZYnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 -1 0
       0 1  0 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0  0 1
    • mapZYnX

      public Matrix4f mapZYnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 0 -1 0
       0 1  0 0
       1 0  0 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZYnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZnXY

      public Matrix4f mapZnXY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 0 1
    • mapZnXY

      public Matrix4f mapZnXY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZnXY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZnXnY

      public Matrix4f mapZnXnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapZnXnY

      public Matrix4f mapZnXnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0 -1  0 0
       0  0 -1 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZnXnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZnYX

      public Matrix4f mapZnYX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 1 0
       0 -1 0 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 0 1
    • mapZnYX

      public Matrix4f mapZnYX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 1 0
       0 -1 0 0
       1  0 0 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZnYX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapZnYnX

      public Matrix4f mapZnYnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 -1 0
       0 -1  0 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0  0 1
    • mapZnYnX

      public Matrix4f mapZnYnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       0  0 -1 0
       0 -1  0 0
       1  0  0 0
       0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapZnYnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXYnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0  0 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnXYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXYnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0  0 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXYnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXZY

      public Matrix4f mapnXZY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 0 1
    • mapnXZY

      public Matrix4f mapnXZY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXZY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXZnY

      public Matrix4f mapnXZnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnXZnY

      public Matrix4f mapnXZnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXZnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXnYZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXnYZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0 0 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnXnYZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXnYZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0 0 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXnYZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXnYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXnYnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0  0 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnXnYnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnXnYnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0  0 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXnYnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXnZY

      public Matrix4f mapnXnZY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnXnZY

      public Matrix4f mapnXnZY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXnZY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnXnZnY

      public Matrix4f mapnXnZnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnXnZnY

      public Matrix4f mapnXnZnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnXnZnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYXZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYXZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1 0 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 0 0 1
    • mapnYXZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYXZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1 0 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYXnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1  0 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnYXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYXnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1  0 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYXnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYZX

      public Matrix4f mapnYZX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 1 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 0 1
    • mapnYZX

      public Matrix4f mapnYZX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 1 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYZX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYZnX

      public Matrix4f mapnYZnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 -1 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnYZnX

      public Matrix4f mapnYZnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 -1 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 1  0 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYZnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYnXZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYnXZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1 0 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnYnXZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYnXZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1 0 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 1 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYnXZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYnXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYnXnZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1  0 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnYnXnZ

      public Matrix4f mapnYnXnZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1  0 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYnXnZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYnZX

      public Matrix4f mapnYnZX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 1 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnYnZX

      public Matrix4f mapnYnZX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 1 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYnZX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnYnZnX

      public Matrix4f mapnYnZnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 -1 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnYnZnX

      public Matrix4f mapnYnZnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 -1 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnYnZnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZXY

      public Matrix4f mapnZXY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 1 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 0 1
    • mapnZXY

      public Matrix4f mapnZXY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 1 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZXY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZXnY

      public Matrix4f mapnZXnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnZXnY

      public Matrix4f mapnZXnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 1  0 0
        0 0 -1 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZXnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZYX

      public Matrix4f mapnZYX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 1 0
        0 1 0 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 0 1
    • mapnZYX

      public Matrix4f mapnZYX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 1 0
        0 1 0 0
       -1 0 0 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZYX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZYnX

      public Matrix4f mapnZYnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 -1 0
        0 1  0 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0  0 1
    • mapnZYnX

      public Matrix4f mapnZYnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 0 -1 0
        0 1  0 0
       -1 0  0 0
        0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZYnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZnXY

      public Matrix4f mapnZnXY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 1 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnZnXY

      public Matrix4f mapnZnXY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1 0 0
        0  0 1 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZnXY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZnXnY

      public Matrix4f mapnZnXnY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnZnXnY

      public Matrix4f mapnZnXnY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0 -1  0 0
        0  0 -1 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZnXnY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZnYX

      public Matrix4f mapnZnYX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 1 0
        0 -1 0 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 0 1
    • mapnZnYX

      public Matrix4f mapnZnYX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 1 0
        0 -1 0 0
       -1  0 0 0
        0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZnYX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • mapnZnYnX

      public Matrix4f mapnZnYnX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 -1 0
        0 -1  0 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0  0 1
    • mapnZnYnX

      public Matrix4f mapnZnYnX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
        0  0 -1 0
        0 -1  0 0
       -1  0  0 0
        0  0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      mapnZnYnX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • negateX

      public Matrix4f negateX()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0 0 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 0 0 1
    • negateX

      public Matrix4f negateX(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       -1 0 0 0
        0 1 0 0
        0 0 1 0
        0 0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      negateX in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • negateY

      public Matrix4f negateY()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0 0 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0  0 0 1
    • negateY

      public Matrix4f negateY(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1  0 0 0
       0 -1 0 0
       0  0 1 0
       0  0 0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      negateY in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • negateZ

      public Matrix4f negateZ()
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0  0 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 0  0 1
    • negateZ

      public Matrix4f negateZ(Matrix4f dest)
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Multiply this by the matrix
       1 0  0 0
       0 1  0 0
       0 0 -1 0
       0 0  0 1
      and store the result in dest.
      Specified by:
      negateZ in interface Matrix4fc
      dest - will hold the result
    • isFinite

      public boolean isFinite()
      Description copied from interface: Matrix4fc
      Determine whether all matrix elements are finite floating-point values, that is, they are not NaN and not infinity.
      Specified by:
      isFinite in interface Matrix4fc
      true if all components are finite floating-point values; false otherwise
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      clone in class Object